Any Panasonic HMC-150/151e user?

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I was also stumped when I first got it.
Lift up the view-finder.

Neat, huh ? Hehehe...

I was also stumped when I first got it.
Lift up the view-finder.

Neat, huh ? Hehehe...

Nicely hidden so that it won't be faded caused by wear and tear...

Anyway, just curious though, what bag and tripod (whichever you have) are you guys using for this camera?

For tripod, I use a Libec TH-650.

For the bag, I use SWISS POLO. Yes !! A travel bag. It has a big enough main compartment while its secondary compartment can hold my other accessories like mics, spare batts, lights etc. It is a shoulder bag that has wheels and a trolley handle. I drag it around looking like a lost tourist sometimes :bsmilie:

Swiss Polo...Goodness! Cheap skate but smart cos its practical! Haha!
A simple profi camera bag is unfairly expensive. :( Hunting around for an aluminum casing big enough to fit. Its rare but when that doesn't work out, i'll find a descent bag and get some hard cushion from $2 shop Daiso at Sembawang Shopping Centre!

...I'm also thinking of getting an armour for the camera + a monopod.

Not too sure if those used by photographers can be hooked on to a base plate for the HMC.

Swiss Polo bags? Interesting... Which model(s) exactly?
Think I've heard or seen them, but can't really recall where they're being sold...
Where do you guys recommend?

As for tripod, I was considering to get Libec TH-650DV too but it doesn't have a fluid head right?
If no, panning around may not be so smooth...
I believe the TH-950DV on the hand has a fluid head, but of course, it's substantially more expensive...

I'm also considering to get a monopod too cause free hand shooting with this camera is generally not very practical because of the weight of it...
It's hard to keep a steady hand that even the OIS can't compensate after a while... :embrass:
I think the mount to the camera of the monopod shouldn't be a problem cause it's quite universal, something to take note may be the weight it can hold...
The Libec MP-66DV seems to be a good buy, but I haven't seen the actual product yet...
I'm not a Libec fan but other brands like Manfrotto and Vinten are just too expensive...

I don't know what is the model number but it looks like this.


I bought it for S$29/- at NTUC AMK Hub.

The Libec TH-650, although it doesn't have a fluid head, the panning is still quite smooth. At least it's smooth enough for me to shoot performances on stage.

I don't know what is the model number but it looks like this.

I bought it for S$29/- at NTUC AMK Hub.

The Libec TH-650, although it doesn't have a fluid head, the panning is still quite smooth. At least it's smooth enough for me to shoot performances on stage.

Wow, S$29 for the bag is quite a steal...
But won't the bag roll around inside if it's not carried in the horizontal position?
I'm pretty sure it doesn't have padding that a dedicated camera bag has that's able to cushion the camera and prevent it from rolling around...

As for the Libec TH-650DV, where did you get it from and for how much?

Sorry but I have another question guys:
Are you able to inherit the timecode when you import the clips into your NLE for editing?
I'm using Premiere Pro and I can't seem to get the timecode that's recorded with the clips...

Hmmm, found something about it:
Kinda defeats the purpose of being able to preset the timecode isn't it? :s

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Wow, S$29 for the bag is quite a steal...
But won't the bag roll around inside if it's not carried in the horizontal position?
I'm pretty sure it doesn't have padding that a dedicated camera bag has that's able to cushion the camera and prevent it from rolling around...

As for the Libec TH-650DV, where did you get it from and for how much?

Inside the main compartment, there are two pairs of straps that can be used to secure the camera. The bag has quite a sturdy body. It's not the soft type. However, for paddings, I just use medium-sized towels which can also come in handy when shooting in hot HDB living rooms....hehe.

I got the Libec tripod 2nd-hand for S$80 from the now-defunct Yahoo Auctions.

Sorry but I have another question guys:
Are you able to inherit the timecode when you import the clips into your NLE for editing?
I'm using Premiere Pro and I can't seem to get the timecode that's recorded with the clips...

I think you have to set the camera to record the timecode. I just checked. It's on page 45 of the user manual.

Ooops...just read you latest edit. Adobe must do something to solve it leh...

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By any chance anyone is willing to share his/her test footage of our beloved HMC 152?

Mine will be akan datang. Waiting for a nice day outdoors. :)

By any chance anyone is willing to share his/her test footage of our beloved HMC 152?

Mine will be akan datang. Waiting for a nice day outdoors. :)

Will try to shoot something within the house by this weekend...

Can't bring the expensive new toy out to places because I've not found a bag for it... :embrass:

By any chance anyone is willing to share his/her test footage of our beloved HMC 152?

A short clip of a wedding I shot on 2nd May 09 using the Panasonic AG-HMC152 with Scene setting set to CINE V.
However, Youtube doesn't do justice to the camera. After uploading to Youtube, the quality dropped a lot.

Click the HD option to view the video in HD Mode.


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A short clip of a wedding I shot on 2nd May 09 using the Panasonic AG-HMC152 with Scene setting set to CINE V.
However, Youtube doesn't do justice to the camera. After uploading to Youtube, the quality dropped a lot.

Click the HD option to view the video in HD Mode.


Yeah, the compression artifacts can definitely be seen clearly...
What light are you using?

Usually the Hmc guys upload on Vimeo cos te quality looks cleaner there. :)

I use Micro Litepanels.

Wow, Litepanels are neat but very expensive aren't they?
I'm kinda put off by the price and I've read quite a few complaints about the cheap build quality of it and somehow the price doesn't justify it...

By the way, I've just checked out the Swiss Polo bag on my way home from work a while ago...
The size of the bag is just about right isn't it? But the insides are not cushioned at all...
Especially at the base of the bag, wow, the area near the wheels, it's literally a bump there...
I think I'm looking for backpacks because it'll be easier to carry when my hands are full with the camera and/or tripod...

Desertfox said:
I want want of those! Maybe 3!

You sure? They're expensive! :cry:
Unless of course you're able to buy 3 without a smack to your wallet... :cool:

By the way, I did a quick closeup shot of an Oakley with my HMC152 and uploaded to Vimeo last night...
And you know what? The video only became available moments ago! That's a long time!
But I have problems embedding the video here, can videos be embedded in this forum?
Anyway, you can watch the video at

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Roy get some cushions in Daiso! Should work well if you know how to use the glue or better still needles and thread.

Litepanels...Hmm... One will cost somewhere around $400-$300 so I change my mind. Already thinking of building my own! Those made in china LEDs shouldn't cost that much. But the idea purchasing light panels running own its on juice is worth it in my wish list.
Oh...we proud HMC users are such a cheap skate...Or is it only me! A prosumer :)

VIMEO Test footage.

Good stuff! but you'll need a tripod alright... ;)


Wow, Litepanels are neat but very expensive aren't they?
I'm kinda put off by the price and I've read quite a few complaints about the cheap build quality of it and somehow the price doesn't justify it...

By the way, I've just checked out the Swiss Polo bag on my way home from work a while ago...
The size of the bag is just about right isn't it? But the insides are not cushioned at all...
Especially at the base of the bag, wow, the area near the wheels, it's literally a bump there...
I think I'm looking for backpacks because it'll be easier to carry when my hands are full with the camera and/or tripod...

You sure? They're expensive! :cry:
Unless of course you're able to buy 3 without a smack to your wallet... :cool:

By the way, I did a quick closeup shot of an Oakley with my HMC152 and uploaded to Vimeo last night...
And you know what? The video only became available moments ago! That's a long time!
But I have problems embedding the video here, can videos be embedded in this forum?
Anyway, you can watch the video at

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I thought the ATT is an external switch ? how do you set it for your internal on-board mic ?
you modified it ?

Sorry for the late reply, I forgot about this question until now.

The XLR ATT switch beside the XLR connectors is a -20dB pad, only for the external mics connected via XLR. There is also another Mic Att switch under the LCD panel. This is a -12dB pad for the internal mic, and for external mic connected to the 3.5mm jack socket.

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