8 Milo peng per second ... Thread XX - Viking And The Rocks... ICE CREAM!!

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adding the below.

1GB Corsair DDR2-800-PC6400 (x2) = $180 or kingston/cl5 @ $198 :think:

I'd go with the corsair. Check on the warranty as well - but if you don't mind and want to have a worry free "upgrade" in future - get the kingston.

you are 1 pro I need advice from leh... yesterday was trying to figure out wat casing+PSU to buy.

Any ATX casing will do rite? :dunno:

I also waiting for that Pro to answer your queston.

Anyway mi this no-pro kpo a bit , happen to come across this Form Factor

I also waiting for that Pro to answer your queston.

Anyway mi this no-pro kpo a bit , happen to come across this Form Factor

thanks. I was worried about those I/O ports. looks like I might be able to salvage some parts from my house. :)

A little too Ex leh.

However I dun mind paying $479 for this. :thumbsup:

The OP series PSU is one of the most stable and efficient ones in the market. Highly recommended by most the guys in HWZ and VR...

If you want modular.. then its that model but you definitely need a 750/850W if you're going to go HDD crazy

thanks. I was worried about those I/O ports. looks like I might be able to salvage some parts from my house. :)

I would prefer to get all parts new loh just in case old part might give problem

The OP series PSU is one of the most stable and efficient ones in the market. Highly recommended by most the guys in HWZ and VR...

If you want modular.. then its that model but you definitely need a 750/850W if you're going to go HDD crazy

wat's the diff between fixed and modular?:dunno:

I would prefer to get all parts new loh just in case old part might give problem

salvage casing loh. see how first lah.. silverstone is a bit overpriced, but I did see some nice casing last week. :)

wat's the diff between fixed and modular?:dunno:

Fixed - like your dell, all the cables come out - excess have to tie up and shove it somewhere in some dark corner.

Modular - when you need, plug in. Eg. If you're not running SLI / Crossfire, you can have 1 socket for the graphics card freed and not have cables "dangling" around.

For more info

salvage casing loh. see how first lah.. silverstone is a bit overpriced, but I did see some nice casing last week. :)

Seasonic is another brand. But you got you hunt around as its not readily available in most of your famous shops.

Try not to use any < 450W with a C2D setup. Its not enough. Unless you're building up an entry level basic system.

Fixed - like your dell, all the cables come out - excess have to tie up and shove it somewhere in some dark corner.

Modular - when you need, plug in. Eg. If you're not running SLI / Crossfire, you can have 1 socket for the graphics card freed and not have cables "dangling" around.

For more info

thanks. 1 more question.

If my RAID array is like a IDE HDD to the MB controller, can that controller mirror that RAID array to another mirror HDD? Assuming that it presents the same amount of data space to the controller? :think:

Wow! 750/850W for a PC? :eek:

that PSU hav to run about 6 or 7 HDDs + 2 CD/DVD drives and a couple of USB and FW devices loh.

If not 750 then how much is enuf... my current 450W is like cannot power some USB device liao.

thanks. 1 more question.

If my RAID array is like a IDE HDD to the MB controller, can that controller mirror that RAID array to another mirror HDD? Assuming that it presents the same amount of data space to the controller? :think:

RAID Set 1 (mirroring) --- mirror ---> RAID Set 2 (mirroring) :dunno:

Someone wants to go HDD crazy :sweat: :bsmilie:

that PSU hav to run about 6 or 7 HDDs + 2 CD/DVD drives and a couple of USB and FW devices loh.

If not 750 then how much is enuf... my current 450W is like cannot power some USB device liao.

Besides internal components... you got alot of USB nick nacks.. sure will suck up more power..

Then later complain - why electricity bill so high :bsmilie:

let me see.

Got 3 in RAID 5 config + 1 for mirror. (IDE)

2 for RAID 1 (SATAII)

2 for RAID 0 (SATAII)


Besides internal components... you got alot of USB nick nacks.. sure will suck up more power..

Then later complain - why electricity bill so high :bsmilie:

Lucky I dun on my PC 24/7.. else sure eat grass.

:think: tink need to cut down my carbon footprint. :think:


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