68 millions for a 280m bridge over Marina Bay

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2002
South Pole with Penguin
Coming 2009, we are going to have a new location for scenery shoot in Singapore.

World's first 'double-helix' bridge - 280m long and cost 68 millions to build

Visual impression of the new bridge



yeah...surly to attract more tourists to visit singapore....after spending $400K to rename Marina Bay :sweat:

Really uniquely Singapore, where else can find such expensive structure other than Singapore

That's nice. I really hope my 350D can live until 2009, and me.

Ahhh~~~~ Interesting addition to the skyline. :)

With the Singapore Flyer and Marina Bay IRs, renovation work is expected. They can't juz maintain things as they are now. No meaning. Might as well dun build if they are gonna leave things as such.

Things change, sceneries change. Its inevitable.

And oh, BTW dun say that double helix bridge at 68 million (I assume in USD$) is 'expensive'. Check out the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge if u really wanna see what's 'expensive'. ;p

I wun say how much is the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge. Read da link. hehehe....

One of the first thought I had when I saw the news clip was, can the bridge tahan hordes of photographers and their tripods? :)

But I thought it didn't look too bad lah...

As for world's first... that is if nobody else beat Singapore to the punch.

- Bridge (somehow my thoughts were led to the Rainbow bridge)
- IR
- S'pore Flyer
- Durian
- Iconic building at Orchard

Looks like full steam into tourism leow

Great. Can position our tripods on the pod and no camera shake because of passing-by vehicles anymore!

The bridge dun look that bad.

The reflective glass floor good for peeping toms.


wait tripod not allowed on bridge how??? :bigeyes:

jsbn said:
And oh, BTW dun say that double helix bridge at 68 million (I assume in USD$) is 'expensive'. Check out the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge if u really wanna see what's 'expensive'. ;p

different mah....japan one charge expensive toll to cover the cost. ;p

i dunno how many tourists we need to earn back the 68millions....that's 113 peanuts u know?

Don't charge pedestrians, just add another ERP at the vehicular connection lor

My first thoughts after seeing the illustration: another blantant rip-off, this time of London's Millennium Bridge, just like the Singapore Flyer is a rip-off of the London Eye. I just wish whoever came up with these attractions had more orginality. :embrass:

Whatever. :dunno:

You don't have to be the first, just the most famous to have copycats sprouting up after you.

melnjes said:
Whatever. :dunno:

You don't have to be the first, just the most famous to have copycats sprouting up after you.

No thinking out of the box thingy here. Sigh.....:(

It is always good to have more scenic spots for photography in Singapore. We have to keep on upgrading to draw more tourists to visit Singapore.

redstone said:
One thing i suggest is a tall observational tower. And I mean like 300 metres tall or more.

Not like 30 plus metres Merlion Tower. :sticktong

You mean the one in France?:think:

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