24 seven HeartlanD Beats Photography Competition

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MAN I WANT D90!!! dammit i going to join...i will do what ever to win =D i need a DAM FREAKING DSLR to use... later my P&S camera pictures i taken wins:D

Good luck 123, there's another 123123 guys out there thinking exactly like u. :bsmilie:
but only 1 D90...:bsmilie:

In indonesia, to get the D90, u gotta know the judge... :bsmilie: but then again, 123123 other guys will also know the judge:think:

Good luck 123, there's another 123123 guys out there thinking exactly like u. :bsmilie:
but only 1 D90...:bsmilie:

In indonesia, to get the D90, u gotta know the judge... :bsmilie: but then again, 123123 other guys will also know the judge:think:

lol! this was funny but there is some truth to it. anyway, good luck to all those that will join.

do we need to summit a description or name of the photo? they did not talk about it....


My I know where are the locations of those HDB heartlands? or can we just take picture of any HDB estates even in the City area?


non-singaporeans living in singapore for long term also cannot join?

Yes, photos taken in film are fine and can be entered into the competition. :)

but no slides or negatives*

ooh real interesting..
was wondering, since they said no limit to number of photos submitted, does that mean people can submit into both categories? and only win 1 prize? lool


My I know where are the locations of those HDB heartlands? or can we just take picture of any HDB estates even in the City area?


I'm thinking anywhere as long as it shows perspective from HDB flats right? no specific location.
just go to any HDB!

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