Nikon USA service advisory for D600

Nikon would never have acknowledged the issue if not for the class action lawsuit.

Three cheers for the greedy American lawyers! Hip, hip, hooray! :bsmilie:

Well doesn't change the status quo tho, Nikon has been replacing the same parts a long time before the service advisory.

Well doesn't change the status quo tho, Nikon has been replacing the same parts a long time before the service advisory.


Anyone read Today 18th Mar'14 issue?

In page 32, it reported that Nikon halts the sale of D600 in China only after the state-run TV station ran a program on it.

Thank You


Anyone read Today 18th Mar'14 issue?

In page 32, it reported that Nikon halts the sale of D600 in China only after the state-run TV station ran a program on it.

Thank You

Not news already. Show aired Mar 15th. Order came Mar 16th.

D610 have been out so long, D600 have been discontinued for a while already... Not much left on the shelves. Don't think this order hurt Nikon too much monetary wise...

Need to live in China for a few years, to understand how things work there. ;)

BTW, this is the video (if you understand chinese):

wah lao cant believe the lady staff tell people cannot point upwards to take pic....thats a very stupid move....restrict creative sense for a creative industry...

Thought I'd share the PetaPixel article on the China D600 issue as well.
For Nikon, this is a PR nightmare that could very well affect sales in a country where they make over a billion dollars annually. For us, well, we’re kind of sick of these stories, but at the same time kind of glad that Nikon has probably learned the lesson of a lifetime from this whole fiasco. Next time a Nikon product is defective, you can bet they’ll be recalled or fixed IMMEDIATELY.

I was somewhat not surprised when Nikon acted as if there was nothing wrong with the D600 shutter. I mean that's what most huge corporates do right? Until someone gets hurt or the company is sued, then somebody moves to issue an advisory.

It's good to see Fuji and Sony doing the right thing wrt to the light leak issue. Hope the other companies learn from Nikon's 惨痛的经验!!

Power to the Chinese photographic public & govt on this issue. I love Nikon products but hearing denials & excuses always make me cringe. And a culture of denials left unchecked is self defeating & ultimately end in embarrassment & $$$ loss. The Chinese consumers are getting more knowledgeable about their rights & of use of public opinion. What a tiny little red dot cannot achieve, the US & China can & will.

Last edited: Thought I'd share the PetaPixel article on the China D600 issue as well. I was somewhat not surprised when Nikon acted as if there was nothing wrong with the D600 shutter. I mean that's what most huge corporates do right? Until someone gets hurt or the company is sued, then somebody moves to issue an advisory. It's good to see Fuji and Sony doing the right thing wrt to the light leak issue. Hope the other companies learn from Nikon's 惨痛的经验!!
What are Fujifilm and Sony doing about the issues?

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Halted all D600 sales immediately in China

Just sent in my D600 for another round of sensor cleaning yesterday...asked counter staff abt this issue and they say that Nikon Singapore has yet to issue any of such D600/D610 swapping like those issued by Nikon USA, so NSC cannot do any 'case-by-case' swapping of D600 to D610. But they will follow Nikon Singapore's advisory of 'lifetime' warranty support for D600 sensor cleaning.

Just sent in my D600 for another round of sensor cleaning yesterday...asked counter staff abt this issue and they say that Nikon Singapore has yet to issue any of such D600/D610 swapping like those issued by Nikon USA, so NSC cannot do any 'case-by-case' swapping of D600 to D610. But they will follow Nikon Singapore's advisory of 'lifetime' warranty support for D600 sensor cleaning.

why nv get the shutter change??

why nv get the shutter change??

Coz i need my D600 this weekend (which is y i even bother to go down clean sensor). And counter staff say my shutter is updated to latest, so change shutter also no use. Which i believe so, coz it shld be the D600 internal mechanism that is allowing so much dust to go thru, nothing to do with shutter anymore.

Actually why don't Nikon give a limited time offer to allow D600 users to upgrade to a new D610 for a nominal fee ? Shd be a win~win situation for all ...

Actually why don't Nikon give a limited time offer to allow D600 users to upgrade to a new D610 for a nominal fee ? Shd be a win~win situation for all ...
What should Nikon do with all the used D600?

Today, we announce that we will further expand the service available to users of the D600 as follows.

The solution
As a first step, please follow the guidance from the User’s Manual (The Low-Pass Filter section) related to the “Clean Image Sensor” function and manual cleaning using a blower. If these measures do not remove all dust particles and you are still experiencing problems, then please consult your nearest Nikon service center. They will service your camera, including the inspection, cleaning, and replacement of the shutter and related parts. You will not be charged for this service, and Nikon will pay all shipping costs, both to and from the Nikon service center. However, if a number of multiple granular dust spots are still noticeable in images captured with a D600 upon which the above service has been performed several times, Nikon will replace it with a new D600 or an equivalent model.

Really making me feel like buying d600

What should Nikon do with all the used D600?

They are already incurring cost for the shutter replacement, sensor cleaning, etc ... In the long run, it might just be cheaper to let these unhappy users to upgrade to the D610 and do some cost recovery with the nominal "upgrade" fee.

Hahas, that's the best thing i've heard for the D600. At least my attempt to change to D610 via angry emails to Nikon Singapore and my at least 10 trips to NSC for sensor cleaning in 6 months have not been in vain! :D