Photo Sharing from X-E1

So far enjoy shooting with the 18 55mm :)


Nice to see Fuji owners actually having fun using their cameras :)

Testing another of my favorite lenses, the Zeiss C/Y 100mm f/2, using Novoflex adapter (Rayqual still the best, IMHO), might be of interest to users of manual focus lenses

with C/Y extension tubes to use as macro, on a 3-inch banana, ISO 200, f/4

no extension tubes, f/2, 1m away

Tried to handhold, ISO 3200, f/2, still can manage at 1/150. Really good Fuji XE1 ISO 3200, detail still there, just a slight change in color

And back to the 35mm at f/2.8 in daytime ... life is hard for others ...

Christmas Eve pot bless - My contribution: Boeuf Bourguignon - inspired by Julia Child's recepie...

Dinner w BS group by t4tortoise, on Flickr[/IMG]

Wifey's contribution: Christmas Log Cake with Strawberries & Blue Berries, strawberry puree & cream, white choclate flakes...
Dinner w BS group by t4tortoise, on Flickr[/IMG]

Blessed Christmas guys!

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Bro, congrats on your new toy.... as usual, very nice shooting..... :)

Looks like quite a number got poison by the XE-1...... cant blame you all..... also kena poison... just that boh $$$.... so auto cure... ;)

Thanks bro

Hi, interested in getting the famed xe1 with 35mm. Loved the wedding shots that bro Supersimon27 posted above, think they really display the sharpness and bokeh the 35mm lens is famous for, great job Fuji.

Thanks for liking them :)

Bro - What filter PP or Camera setiings did u use to get these colours?

Lightroom colour preset - Aged photo I think

With the convenience of digital, i get to shoot daily...and did an "After Work session" on my encourage me to shoot more..


I know this scene has been shot till dxxxx .... just wanted to try it with my new "toy" hehe


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I know this scene has been shot till dxxxx .... just wanted to try it with my new "toy" hehe

Very nice color..... XE-1 and 35mm??

Thanks for the wonderful photos. XE1 and 35mm f1.4 really potent combo. Keep it up shooters!!!


Something from my church's Christmas service today. slightly oof, OOC jpeg. For ISO 12800, it's completely usable (in B&W lah =P)

Exhaltation by Joel Tng (Ex14 / Joel), on Flickr

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No wonder the advise is to buy the XE1 with the Kit Lens....

Bro , advice to get kit zoom is because it's more value of money to get that then to get other package .

But when IQ is concern , I still think 35mm prime is much better as compare . But still the kit zoom is still a very good kit zoom as compare to others brand

X Mas Eve @ Orchard Ion... Crowds & Crowds...


Managed to sneak in some walkabout images at Ochard (so many people) while running Xmas errands yesterday .. the advantage of portability :) ... all MF, Zeiss






Sharing 2 photo of my 3.5 yrs old son Jaden - Taken with Xe-1 and 35mm f1.4

Nice shots, Simon.

Seems quite a few Pentax users got some fuji cameras too, or even jumped to this new XE1 camera :)

I played one for a weekend, really nice camera. The only thing I don't like is the shutter speed dial which is completely waste of space IMO. Should replace it with a mode dial like the one on X10.

fengwei said:
Nice shots, Simon.

Seems quite a few Pentax users got some fuji cameras too, or even jumped to this new XE1 camera :)

I played one for a weekend, really nice camera. The only thing I don't like is the shutter speed dial which is completely waste of space IMO. Should replace it with a mode dial like the one on X10.

Fuji X series models after Leica Ms. So d dial layouts on d top is identical n most rangefinder users find d speed dial very comfy n useful.

Batam folk dance


Fuji X series models after Leica Ms. So d dial layouts on d top is identical n most rangefinder users find d speed dial very comfy n useful.

Yeah, I know what you mean. But to me it's much easier and faster to adjust shutter speed w/ the rear dial instead of the speed dial on the top. But I just don't want to dig into menus to change shooting modes.

Besides, most users like me would shoot in Aperture Priority (Av) mode anyway. We are gonna set the speed dial to A, and won't touch it anymore. It's like waste of space, better use it for shooting mode dial.

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