7D6N Myanmar Discovery Photography Tour (Part 3)


Day 6 - Bye bye Inle Lake. Hello Yangon... again.

Inle Lake was scenic, eventful and fun to shoot.
But the morning had come for us to bid farewell to this lovely lake, and to this lovely resort.

limwhow #229

Daoyin said to me:
"Hey limwhow, look at that... it's misty on the surface of the water.
Quick, shoot lah, shoot lah! Shoot over that side to capture the mist..."
I guai guai complied.


limwhow #230

Melvin told everyone:
"Guys, we have a nice scene out there right this moment of some Intha rowers with the misty background.
Let's go shoot them...!"
The night before, Melvin told everyone that the temperature this morning was around 7-12 degree Celcius, thus making this stop the coldest in our 7 day trip.
Indeed it was a little chilly in the morning.
We all came prepared. But some were much more hero than others... Haha...

limwhow #231

But the cold wind did not deter the enthusiastic bunch of hard core shooters.
Even when the fast motor boat circled the Intha Rowers so fast like hawks, they were still able to shoot!
Cold? Simple.
Just cover your bare legs with the blanket provided and you're good to go!

limwhow #232

Finally, after speeding along the waterway and shooting along the way, we came close to Nyaung Shwe Jetty again...

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Day 6 - At Heho Airport...

Our coach finally arrived at Heho clinic.
Today the Janitor-in-command was not on leave. He was back to work.
Heng ah...!

limwhow #233
The thought of not having a glorious Bagan sunrise and sunset was going round and round....

limwhow #234

The interesting thing about Heho Airport, if we all could remember, was that the coach was not allowed to drive right into the airport compound.
So we had to stop a distance outside the airport entrance and carried our own luggage and walk in.
Those with luggage on wheels - lucky you.
Those with dead weights that had to be carried on shoulders - good luck to you!

limwhow #235

We seemed to have lots and lots of time in all the airports in Myanmar.
Don't know why...

limwhow #236

So we entertained ourselves by grabbing opportunities to molest each other's equipment and laptops and iPads...

Day 6 - Bye bye Heho Airport, Hello Yangon Airport.

limwhow #237

Moments before they announced boarding...

limwhow #238

A hardcore backside shooter will FOREVER be a hardcore backside shooter...

limwhow #239
Arriving an Yangon Airport, that Professor fellow started waving his magic wand again...

limwhow #240

Well... if Professor waved his magic wand, then we can't wave our wands.
Otherwise our good friend will surely Pengsan!
Haha... in the end, everything turned out well and solved.

limwhow #241

limwhow #242


Ok, my fingers are numb from typing and PP-ing so much now.
So they will all take a break for half a day before continuing on our next destination - Model shoot in Yangon!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the floor is all yours.
Please donate, please donate generously to this thread - all your lovely shots of:
- the Intha rowers that last morning at Inle Lake lah.
- the sights and scenes of our Boat ride along the waterway back to Nyaung Shwe Jetty lah.
- pictures of the Inle Resort lah.
- other pictures of our round tour on Inle Lake the day before lah.
Everything... come, donate generously!

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haha, is that your GIF animation ? :thumbsup: i had a sequence of similar shots, thought of making them into an animated GIF too...

i know whales blow bubbles as they swim upwards in a circular manner to confuse and trap the fish in a bubble 'net'...can't say the same for these fishermen though :)

if i were to guess, they are more like beating the water to send shock waves to the fish, stunning them so that they peng san enough to be caught...haha..much like throwing dynamites into the river, boomz and the fish all float to the surface :)

:bsmilie: Trust a Navy chap to come up with sonar theory :bsmilie:

Our SgTrekker's own Jumping cat trainer, chubby(cat)kei :)


to add on, SgTrekker can consider engaging this cat trainer next time, no need to depend on the mood of that lady....收工just after a few jumps. haha

SK, this is so good to see. She has another job waiting for her already. Well done, your rice cooker can pass.

If I can go backward a little and post some pics from the Shwe Yan Pyay Monastery.

Was wandering around and found this room in the back. When I looked it, I thought it was an empty room cos it was quite dark but realised it turned out to be their dormitory. I over exposed the pic so that we can see their humble abode. Light was streaming in only from the doorway on the right and from the window on the left. Lined against the wall on opposite sides were metal boxes containing their personal belongings(my guess), and in front, the mats they sleep on. Their robes/clothes were hung on ropes tied to each end of the room.



You have been rewarded ! Excellent shots.

i sure hope my soon arriving small white can join the big brothers white and get such wonderful photos next time :)

So fast join the white gang.

Taken in the morning mist.


Thank you: gapman, divemement, lowlights, limwhow and Serenexxm for your encouragement. Anyone could have taken this shot while passing by.

Has anyone noticed there has been a subtle change to limwhow's signature. There is a Canon word in bright red added. haha.


This is Awesome bro!:thumbsup:

Like what Kernik has done at the Shwe Yan Pyay Temple.
And like what Daoyin and Chempaka did when they strayed away to shoot the bridge.
And like what SK1968 did at the Sunflower Field.
Sometimes the best sights are behind the scene shots.
One just needs to take a little bit of walk.

Erm... don't flame me please.

Great portraits. :thumbsup: Now we know long neck women/girls can be sweet & pretty too.


This is good :thumbsup:

I am sure you have another one that has him looking at you after hearing your camera clicks… Do you :dunno:

Humm no wives how to have son and daughter leh ha?:D

not wives...a wife, only need 1. anyway, even without 1, a person can still adopt.....there are so many orphans out there and one can always help being a big brother or sorts. in that way, one can always have young and cute sisters/brothers :) don't hv crooked thoughts huh ... haha

:thumbsup: IR (Jilat sooner or later kenna poison, i can feel it is coming)

dun get poisoned yet. perhaps u can spend more time and money exploring the color photography first. ir is fun, beautiful but i guess color will still be the main stream.

limwhow #239
Arriving an Yangon Airport, that Professor fellow started waving his magic wand again...

haha, gapman didn't mention 'theft proof' again :)

SK, this is so good to see. She has another job waiting for her already. Well done, your rice cooker can pass.

daoyin, i am not using rice cooker...:) i use walkman, remember ?