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So what got nice sky, light or subject........it is how one compose it that make the difference. :)

that is true, but i love the light a lot... i cannot describe the feeling when i get good light.. :bsmilie:

Next time i must show ppls why photoshop is a must. :bsmilie:

Before photoshop (straight from camera)

After photoshop

:bsmilie: your pp skills damn good...:thumbsup:

This is one of the most common and easiest dragonfly to shoot, but yet sadly that there are no much good photo of it in CS......

Just a bland Dragonfly, Crismon Dropwing .




color so pretty!

i like the red dragonflies, and the big green and black ones..

ok time to sleep

yay one more day gone to LONG WEEKEND :heart:

good night guys

Next time i must show ppls why photoshop is a must. :bsmilie:

Before photoshop (straight from camera)

After photoshop

Wow... can even straighten out the wings and tail... very good job. :bsmilie:

color so pretty!

i like the red dragonflies, and the big green and black ones..

color so pretty is because of photoshop, you like what colour also can, just play with the Hue. :bsmilie:

Good night...

time for me to zonk too... :)

Sorry guys..... i still can't confirm regarding fri outing. :embrass:

Take your time la. Just let me know if i need to drop by your place. :)

Haha, i didn't know you have a secretary to answer questions in your thread these days. :bsmilie:

How much to employ one? :bsmilie:

ok time to sleep

yay one more day gone to LONG WEEKEND
good night guys

Good night.

You fanboy will miss you.

Good night...

time for me to zonk too...

You guys slept at 3 a.m... :sweat:

Next time i must show ppls why photoshop is a must. :bsmilie:

Before photoshop (straight from camera)

After photoshop

Wah... Unbelievable.... Amazing ... Bg can mk so nice nice.. Body straighten somemore... Ok mus show us :bsmilie:

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