Photoshop CS5 sneak preview on new feature: Content Aware Fill

So now we don't have to be great photographers. Just great Photoshop users lol.

Use the image editing tools in the same way as you use different lenses or filters for different purposes. One thing for sure: PS will not help if your basics in composition and exposure are lousy. But it can help to achieve what you want to show / convey.
It cannot save lousy composition and screwed exposure.

That's why I say we don't have to be "great" photographers, with this new feature, just need to be decently good and let CS5 do the rest. lol. Don't care how others are going to use it but I'm sure it's gonna be a lot of fun!

This techonology is already available, free of charge too.

If you use gimp, check out the resynthesizer plug-in. Just that I see that CS5 has taken it a little further and made the texture generated more clean.

There is this dude that after seeing the CS5 video posted above, took the same picture and used the current gimp with resynthesizer and did just about the same "content aware fill". See it:


Time to learn gimp....

Download GIMP here:

Resynthesizer plug-in for gimp here:

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