Photography or Photoshop?

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New Member
Feb 14, 2002
Compared to the past, i'm seeing more and more DI being done to the photos nowadays.
So much so that some "photos" look more like digital art rather than photography.

I know that art is in the eye of the beholder, but i'm hoping to see more photos that are not DI-ed :p


yet another "Photoshop" vs "non-photoshop" thread...

By the way, TS, what's the purpose of you starting this thread?

Compared to the past, i'm seeing more and more DI being done to the photos nowadays.
So much so that some "photos" look more like digital art rather than photography.

I know that art is in the eye of the beholder, but i'm hoping to see more photos that are not DI-ed :p


Compared to the past, i'm seeing more and more threads like this nowadays.
So much so that everybody is dragging out the dead dog, beat it again, bury it then drag it out again for another beating.

I know that art is in the eye of the beholder so i'm hoping to see less of these threads.

yes, not again

just like the old flame... it's the eyes n brain; not the equipment that matters

yet another "Photoshop" vs "non-photoshop" thread...

By the way, TS, what's the purpose of you starting this thread?

to beat dead dogs

Compared to the past, i'm seeing more and more DI being done to the photos nowadays.
So much so that some "photos" look more like digital art rather than photography.

I know that art is in the eye of the beholder, but i'm hoping to see more photos that are not DI-ed :p


Tides change my fren. It's the same with the movie industry. Last time before the hi-tech special effects, those Star War characters are all puppets or actors in make up and costumes.
Look at the recent Star Wars movies now, look at Yoda then and now. Are the directors now making less of a movie just because they are using more special effects?

But there are also 'traditional' movies being made without special effects. Both genres are appreciated by audiences.

For photography, whether is it old school or 'retouched' photos, both are appreciated :)

Better post this at Kopitiam, you will a different angle of response :bsmilie:

Tides change my fren. It's the same with the movie industry. Last time before the hi-tech special effects, those Star War characters are all puppets or actors in make up and costumes.
Look at the recent Star Wars movies now, look at Yoda then and now. Are the directors now making less of a movie just because they are using more special effects?

But there are also 'traditional' movies being made without special effects. Both genres are appreciated by audiences.

For photography, whether is it old school or 'retouched' photos, both are appreciated :)

:) Comparing Stars Wars 4-6 and 1-3, haha..
Agreed, tides change, to each his own..

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