EXPOSE yourself LXIX

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Congratulations to leong for winning the best 2009 Singapore album of the year award.



i am in 1 of the cats!!

ohai all

hi hi hi

vietnam raining cats and dogs

tmr better not rain, or i emo

vietnam so funky can take a lot street shotsssss

if u know the place well, can buy real and cheap nike shoes, adidas shoes. my vietnam friends told me that. haha.

did i hear scanning???
i can do film scanning... hehehehe:)

and i realised that you are staying in yishun... :sweat:

yes yishun hahaa

hi hi sheree

hi hi luna

only shot one cat today......


haha ok.. then bring to ddd to scan cheaper right? heard fotohub scanning expensive

btw does all Fotohub do developing or only the one in beach rd? thinking of bringing my film to raffles city of they do developing there.

Did I hear scanning?
come and scan! :p

:bsmilie: wa...adam up so early?!

I always come play online before I go to work...
and it's time to go to work! BEYBEYBEBEBYEee esee you all later tonight :D

work so early???!!! :bigeyes:


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