Dell 27 inch monitor users, please help

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guys, what's the cons if i set my resolution to 1900x1200(?) thereabouts as opposed to the max of 2560x1600?

colors of pictures will STILL be the same.right or wrong?:dunno:
seriously, you are just too lazy to try... you got the PC, you got the monitor, just set it and take a look... why bother to ask this kind of question when you can see the answer yourself in a minute or 2.. :dunno:

Have you solved your desktop resolution problems?

I'm not familiar with your spyder2 software. My Eye-one software allows me to select the target brightness I intend to work with. Try to see if there is an "ADVANCED" mode for your spyder2 calibration and do not use any "Easy" or "Simple" calibration option as such calibration is only as good as the amount of effort you place in the setup. If all else fails, turning the brightness down to min before calibration is worth trying.

Do ensure that your room has even and constant illumination at all times of the day, if it doesn't time to invest in blinds/curtains and proper 5500K lighting. Does your spyder2 test the amount/colourtemp of the ambient lighting during setup?

If one doesn't intend to mess with all these, getting a mac in the first place is a good idea, but even a mac benefits from a good calibration although the defaults are pretty good in the first place if brightness is at minimum, I'm typing from a G5 at work as I speak and I still prefer my calibrated Dell 30" at home.

Since you already have invested in a good PC setup, your solution would be to overcome your tech-phobia and attempt to figure out this mess. This knowledge will aid you greatly in future as you will know the basics of making all your gear work for you.

i already just tried.
i tune down the monitor to lowest and recalibrated.still to bright.

and i even use the nvidia program to tune down even further b4 calibrating.still same.

seriously, you are just too lazy to try... you got the PC, you got the monitor, just set it and take a look... why bother to ask this kind of question when you can see the answer yourself in a minute or 2.. :dunno:

why bother to make the above post if you have absolutely nothing to contribute?i'm lazy and you are?hardworking?kaypoh?buzz off please.

i was at work and i dont have the dell with me.try what?u think everyone like you so free is it?

ok, i tried lowering the reso.

what happens is the fonts in browser all becomes a distinct's definitely not as sharp as full res.

and other reso settings, the words become stretched.

the max reso seems to be the best settings but the fonts are way to small.

i just read cnet reviews on the 27inch.

All of these overactive whites and black blacks serve to make saturated colors in movies, photos, and graphics practically leap off the screen. Likewise, extremely light colors remain visible and defined. The 2707WFP has no gamut-mapping problems at these extremes. However, at various levels of saturation between the two extremes--the middle 55 percent or so--there are pockets of colors that the display can't reproduce properly. This display also has poor brightness uniformity: on a black screen, you can clearly see light emanating from three of the four corners. There's also various red and green color contamination visible in grayscale midtones, and lighter blues look positively purple

the max reso seems to be the best settings but the fonts are way to small.
On desktop, right click->properties->settings->advanced->general->display dpi setting->120dpi.

At the non-native resolutions the font WILL be blurry unless it's set at an integer fraction of the native resolution. Resampling with some sort of naive anti-aliasing at work - otherwise some of the lines will just remain single lines while others becomes double the width.

i just read cnet reviews on the 27inch.

All of these overactive whites and black blacks serve to make saturated colors in movies, photos, and graphics practically leap off the screen. Likewise, extremely light colors remain visible and defined. The 2707WFP has no gamut-mapping problems at these extremes. However, at various levels of saturation between the two extremes--the middle 55 percent or so--there are pockets of colors that the display can't reproduce properly. This display also has poor brightness uniformity: on a black screen, you can clearly see light emanating from three of the four corners. There's also various red and green color contamination visible in grayscale midtones, and lighter blues look positively purple

read more reviews next time before buying... and don't rush to buy the first product out there.

ok, i ordered my mac screen liao.

ortegalanguni, if it doesnt 'work', i slam dunk it down your throat.:bsmilie:

ok, i ordered my mac screen liao.

ortegalanguni, if it doesnt 'work', i slam dunk it down your throat.:bsmilie:

Best choice u've made.. we're sure it'll work but we rather it didnt coz we can take pics of you slam dunking it down ortegalanguni's throat :bsmilie:

Its cheaper than renting lor... and u won't even feel the depreciation... best of all, u get new monitor every 30 days... and best best best of all... other lucky guys can get a lucky draw chance of owning a limited edition touch signature jeanie edition...

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