[ Showcase ] Share your Birding Shots With M43

Coppersmith Barbet
Em5 + 75-300mm, 4 frames merge into 1



For the 2nd blue bird shot, how close were you away from it?
I am interested in the 300mm lens.
Not sure go for Oly 75~300mm Mark II or Pana 100~300mm to pair with EM1 eventually

This was a shot taken with a borrowed E-PL5 with the 150mm kit lens.
I think I was about 20m plus, away where it was looking for food in the field.

Eismann, another choice would be the 4/3 mount lens with range from 70 to 300mm f/4.0-5.6, great for hobbyist but need a MMF1/2/3 since its mount is not native m43.

it is also bigger but i found it ok to use with my EM1 (with monopod) since i also like u looking for max reach i.e. 300mm, it is at a good price in B&S section. Got mine second hand as well.

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This is my plan.

First, pair with E-PL5, eventually EM1.

1a) Pana M4/3 100~300mm or
1b) Oly M4/3 75~300mm MarkII
2) Oly 4/3 75~300mm with MMF3
3) Ultimately Oly 4/3 F2.8 300mm

I unable to decide 1a) or 1b) because I do not know whether that Pana's F4.0 can be opened at the 300mm.
On the other hand I know most zoom lens has a sweet spot between the 2 ends of the focal length.

Someone pointed to me, unless it was a constant F4.0, did it matter it has a F4.0 or F4.8 to start with?
CameraRental Singapore did not have a 4/3 300mm lens to rent nor I have extra money now to buy and try.
Hence always ask around and learn from others or internet.

Thank You



em5 + 500/8

Just to ask,anyone knows the current price of 75-300 v2 price?

Just to ask,anyone knows the current price of 75-300 v2 price?

Either 659, 660 or 668 Depending on which shop you ask

Just sharing a Colourful bird that I shot this morning

Either 659, 660 or 668 Depending on which shop you ask

Just sharing a Colourful bird that I shot this morning
<img src="http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=6093"/>

Tks bro!