[ microcosm ] - APAD 2010 - "Let me show you the world through my eyes"

14 Feb 2010


Happy New Year!


Last edited:
15 Feb 2010


Hell didn't freeze over, but the sea did...

Something we will never see in Singapore... imagine going to the East Coast Parkway, and seeing the
sea frozen? This is the sight that waited me as I drove to the coast in Liao Ning province in China. This is
the coldest winter in 60 years, and the seas itself has frozen... fishing boats have given up trying to get
out to the open seas... in many cases they had to be rescued by the navy icebreakers while trying to get
back to the ports. Seafood prices have gone up significantly since the weather affected the fishing boats
from going out, therefore food prices have jumped. Fishermen are now staying indoors and in a bad mood
as they have no source of income this Spring Festival.

Last edited:
16 Feb 2010


[ The Goddess On Annual Leave ]
These steps to the Ma Zhu 妈祖 Temple are closed to the public over
the Spring Festival season. Most likely closed for internal prayers
as the place is still crawling with monks and nuns chanting the mantra.
It is interesting how much money is spent into building impressive
buildings at religious places around the world.


15 Feb 2010


Hell didn't freeze over, but the sea did...

Something we will never see in Singapore... imagine going to the East Coast Parkway, and seeing the
sea frozen? This is the sight that waited me as I drove to the coast in Liao Ning province in China. This is
the coldest winter in 60 years, and the seas itself has frozen... fishing boats have given up trying to get
out to the open seas... in many cases they had to be rescued by the navy icebreakers while trying to get
back to the ports. Seafood prices have gone up significantly since the weather affected the fishing boats
from going out, therefore food prices have jumped. Fishermen are now staying indoors and in a bad mood
as they have no source of income this Spring Festival.

From a PJ perspective, I like this shot a lot since it tells the full story within the same photograph. Hmmm... frozen sea looks more like ash/mud flow to me :confused:...

From a PJ perspective, I like this shot a lot since it tells the full story within the same photograph. Hmmm... frozen sea looks more like ash/mud flow to me :confused:...

The foreground (brownish) is sand/mud, while the ash looking one is the sea and dirt/dust that appears to be ash-like. "Dirty ice" maybe?

all pict are too Clifford!!!

Got it own character!!! :thumbsup:


13 Feb 2010


Reunion Dinner
Regardless of the cold, these sparrows gather together in
their favourite tree, reminding me of families coming together
every year for the traditional reunion dinner. 团圆饭.

Love this pix :thumbsup:

Thanks guys. Glad you like the images.

9 Feb 2010


"Proof of Life"

This totally blown me away...an instant fave...nice tones too..:heart:

I wish that both side is not blur....is it done intentionally?

This totally blown me away...an instant fave...nice tones too..:heart:

I wish that both side is not blur....is it done intentionally?

Thanks mate. I shot a few variants of single tree in a few places, and here are some of the variants.



They are different trees at different places.

17 Feb 2010


Proof of Life II
Spring is here, and the plants know it.
In the midst of a snow storm, a bud appears.
Proof of life.


Hell didn't freeze over, but the sea did...
- Interesting play of scale: the distant bridge and mountains + wide angle makes the ships in foreground look miniature.

Proof of Life II
- :heart: Very Haiku-ish.

Hell didn't freeze over, but the sea did...
- Interesting play of scale: the distant bridge and mountains + wide angle makes the ships in foreground look miniature.

Proof of Life II
- :heart: Very Haiku-ish.

Thanks bro... glad you see it...

18 Feb 2010


"Pining and waiting
The spring warmth is late
New life awaits"

(dedicated to monolime - haiku)


19 Feb 2010


"Living Dangerously"
A birdy family makes their nest on the structural frame support
of high powered cable lines.


19 Feb 2010


"Living Dangerously"
A birdy family makes their nest on the structural frame support
of high powered cable lines.

woah, living dangerously indeed. Thanks for the dedication haha photo DJ. Been some time since I penned a haiku, for "Proof of Life II":

distant blurriness
snow speckles faintly
something buds at foot

17 Feb 2010


Proof of Life II
Spring is here, and the plants know it.
In the midst of a snow storm, a bud appears.
Proof of life.

hi Clifford.. i love this one! and the one of the lone tree.. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

woah, living dangerously indeed. Thanks for the dedication haha photo DJ. Been some time since I penned a haiku, for "Proof of Life II":

distant blurriness
snow speckles faintly
something buds at foot

Well done bro. Nice one.

hi Clifford.. i love this one! and the one of the lone tree.. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thank nic.

20 Feb 2010


While the monster rock drinks
Snow melts in by its side
Fishermen mourn at the freezing seas


Last edited:
21 Feb 2010


FJ - The Yellow Gas Guzzler