[microcosm] - A Photo anytime

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Unknowingly to the visitor in China,
the zebra crossing is totally useless.
No one on the road respects the lines drawn,
so cross the road with both eyes open,
and don't take for granted that the car will stop.
They usually will not.


17th April 2007. Beijing, China.

Picture of guitarist from Chinese funk band "The Verse".


Taken at their concert at "Mao".
18th April 2007.


A story of a father and his son...
21st April 2007


Some misc shots...


19th April 2007


20th April 2007

very versatile phototaker! :thumbsup:

Landscape, street photos, events/concerts, portraits, macros, abstract, photo humour, etc ... what can't u do? :sweatsm:

very versatile phototaker! :thumbsup:

Landscape, street photos, events/concerts, portraits, macros, abstract, photo humour, etc ... what can't u do? :sweatsm:

Actually... landscape... my landscape really sucks. I simply don't have the eye to take good landscape pictures... and considering my gear, I have totally no excuse. :cry:

Thank you for the encouraging words. I shall strive to improve constantly. Keep coming back to my APAD thread for comments and suggestions.


22 April 2007
The grand old lighting mama...


23 April 2007
"And we were all yellow" - Coldplay


24 April 2007
Pondering on whether to return to Australia.


Only laundry for the day.
25th April 2007.

21 April 2007



26th April 2007


Nirvana Stream.

27th April


Cosmic shopping experience.

28th April


Flea Market.

29th April


When the Spanish goes out of date... there is a new fly in town...​

"Mom says never to pull the blinds
In case the bad guys can see
There is only mom and me
They will come in the middle of the night
Or when there is no one around
And take away our everything..."


Taken at one of the poorest district in Beijing
Where it is going through an unprecedented crime rate
Photo : 1 May 2007



"Watermelon for you sir?"

2 May 2007


"You the boss"

In most countries, people leash their pets and take them for walks.
In China, it is common for the owners to carry their pets while
they do ALL the walking. Weird culture.

3 May 2007


Pickup trucks are common in many places,
but in China, pickup-cycles are very common.
Very environmentally friendly too.

4 May 2007

Actually... landscape... my landscape really sucks. I simply don't have the eye to take good landscape pictures... and considering my gear, I have totally no excuse. :cry:

you write pretty well... i like the little story to each photo you have.

Glass of water.
5th May 2007



Tricycles in Macao
6th May 2007


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