heroneo - 1 or 2 photos a week

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Window / Blue sky


- lying on living room floor yesterday noon and saw the blue sky.. and snapped this.



- Dad lying on the sofa as usual. hee. he is always my good model when i need to test out something. haa. mum won let me take photos of her unless i del them straight away.

taken at 70mm with my sigma 70 - 300 .. ha.

heroneo99 said:


- Dad lying on the sofa as usual. hee. he is always my good model when i need to test out something. haa. mum won let me take photos of her unless i del them straight away.

taken at 70mm with my sigma 70 - 300 .. ha.

sweee! love the tone.

eastpoint shopping centre


at simei again!!

this 3 taken yesterday morning on way to work. saw the blue sky. been wanting to take the tracks long time ago and saw that i still hv 5 min to spare before i run late so took out my cam n snap away..

i been trying out some monotones (not exactly B/W i think.. ha) with PS's channel mixer. feel free to comment to help me improve. Kam Sias



- a morning at Bukit Timah Hill with my wife when it happened.. :cry:

28th May 06, Sun


- hee. took this few months back. found it in my pc so convert to duotone.

heroneo99 said:

- hee. took this few months back. found it in my pc so convert to duotone.

wow...this is scary....looks like the head is on a platter. :bigeyes:

zaren said:
wow...this is scary....looks like the head is on a platter. :bigeyes:

ya.. u are right... hmm.. maybe composition n the DOF not well controlled. I was trying to take her "sulky" expression. hee



- at 7:21am .. hee, my third day at new room, actually much brighter liao, but then i down some stops so tat it look more like a sunrise.

guess the shadows area too dark.

still hv things to move from old house...


road below my block. Been wanting to take this everytime i go work in the morning.
finally put it into action..

heroneo99 said:

road below my block. Been wanting to take this everytime i go work in the morning.
finally put it into action..
:thumbsup: Fantastic! :thumbsup:

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