Flower thread

@ ahblack, it's a nice place, I intend to go again if I can make time for it

Tulipmania at Flower dome...and here's a Tulip shot :)

was at Flower Dome on Good Friday, a lot of people...the tulip species that I like was planted quite inside, couldn't take a good shot :( so walk around to see what's nice to take... here's what I ended up with.... c&c are welcomed

found another nice subject...

c&c welcomed

taken last Sunday... took out my 70-200 F4IS, my most comatose lens haha 1 year use once...or maybe longer =.='


If I may comment. Try toying with different angle and backgrounds. Currently everything is coming from the sides understanding you are keeping to 1/3 rule. Break it sometime. Go closer and you might be surprised. haha.

The reason why the white flowers + brighter flowers have black background is due to metering. Might want to use a reflector to throw light to the background / or creatively throw light to the background to allow non-black background.

I used to do a lot of flower macro photography years back. Haven't posted here in a long time! =)

Just my 2cts. Enjoyment is the most important! =)

Have fun!

If I may comment. Try toying with different angle and backgrounds. Currently everything is coming from the sides understanding you are keeping to 1/3 rule. Break it sometime. Go closer and you might be surprised. haha.

The reason why the white flowers + brighter flowers have black background is due to metering. Might want to use a reflector to throw light to the background / or creatively throw light to the background to allow non-black background.

I used to do a lot of flower macro photography years back. Haven't posted here in a long time! =)

Just my 2cts. Enjoyment is the most important! =)

Have fun!

Hi, thanks for dropping in and taking the time to write your comment, very much appreciated. Without comments, views and inputs I would have no clue what viewers think of the photos.
Yeah, I too have felt my photos are kinda same-old-same-old, and I'm trying to break-thru the creative block that kind of thing haha. At the same time, I totally agree with you that enjoying the photo-taking is important :)
Will be having fun and hope you will too.

This was done last month at Garden by the Bay too

This was done last month at Garden by the Bay too

Yeah, I like visiting the place too. I almost always see photogs with serious gear and sometimes I will try to peek at what they shoot and sometimes people peek at what I shoot too haha....thanks for sharing

I've always wanted to shoot flowers in my home so that I have control over the positioning and can move and adjust leaves that I don't want in the frame. Well yesterday I got the chance, they were giving away free stalk of tulips at the Flower dome (yeah I'm too cheapskate to buy flowers to shoot). And so this is what I produce...c&c welcome....yeah I fell back on the tried and tested black bg again, but I'll be trying...


My shot at gardens by the bay 2 weeks ago. Was a weekend. Alot of ppl!

Sony A7II + SEL30M35 + Raynox DCR250


thanks for dropping in infusia and sharing your close up shot. Yeah weekends tend to be crowded but nowadays I also take in the "atmosphere" :)

I'm very much into macro photography. But nv could get so close to the level that some I've seen here.

Went a few night macro with a friend. Will share some of the shots here for comments and learnings.


I'll share a few more shots from GBTB...




hi infusia, thanks for sharing your shots.

All members feel free to share your flower shots. This is now a community sharing thread. Happy shooting all!

