Finally took the plunge!!!

Yea.. the casino never loses.

Looks like the 1D4 is a worthy pair with 50 1.2. If this is the case, then buy 50D with 50 1.2=waste money??

i wouldnt say that pairing 50D with 50 1.2 is a waste of money ba... just that the chances of being out of focus at f/1.2 is higher on the 50D. 50D is still a great camera, i still love the built, the comfortable grip feeling, and the buttons layout.

After saving up for almost a year, I finally took the plunge 2 days ago and got the 1D MK IV, 100L Macro and 580 EX2...

[Previously I was on the Nikon System, but I sold away all my Nikon Stuff last October, wanting to switch over to Canon, and thereafter saved up till now. Things I sold are Stuffs like D300 + Batt Grip, 105 macro, 70-200, 80-400, sb-800. However the money gotten back were used to fund some personal agenda and hence cant fund my Canon project]

I can still feel the pain in my pockets (abt $8,400 cash), but overall when I held the 1D MK IV in my hands, I somehow can feel a sense of joy... joy because its something that I had always wanted and because I had waited so long for it and finally got it. And its also joy because after I sold away my nikon system, I never shoot photos at all, unless only on occassions whereby I borrowed my friend's camera, and now I can finally go shooting again...

I felt that a part of my life which I had lost is finally back again.

However, I haven even molest it much yet, only took abt 20 pics this 2 days as I dint really have much time... after work, I still got to run around the places to buy filters, markins body plate, blower, remote control, lcd screen protector, batteries etc. all of the items at different places and i ended up running around singapore.

I am really looking forward to molesting it this weekend! :lovegrin:

PS: Just started this thread to share my joy, hope you guys dun mind :D Finally I could properly kick start my canon journey now.

Maybe after I molest it more, I will post wat I felt abt the operations of the camera such as its focusing speed etc... Coming from a semi-pro D300 background, this is my first time handling a 1 series camera, and I hope my upcoming experience with it would benefit you guys too... I am a very objective person :) [i am currently still fiddling with the manual]

Why not D700?

50 F1.2 is hardly a waste when paired with anything, also the 85 f1.2 I think is a really worthy marriage with any canon.

*sighs I don't know when will I have the holy prime trinity. Perhaps next toto slot.

50 F1.2 is hardly a waste when paired with anything, also the 85 f1.2 I think is a really worthy marriage with any canon.

*sighs I don't know when will I have the holy prime trinity. Perhaps next toto slot.

I also want... but no money no money... so just get the 1.8ss hahah.. maybe next time when i'm having a nice job..

i understand, i current pair my KIV with 35 and 300. I am a happy guy :). i am also saving for a bigger lens.
KIV + 300L + X2TC still works great.

enjoy your cam, 500L is nice too.... saving is hard (we are in the same boat)...

Why didn't you get the 7D instead?

Lighter, cheaper, not much slower, flash transmitter (suitable for macros), greater crop factor, etc.

Why didn't you get the 7D instead?

Lighter, cheaper, not much slower, flash transmitter (suitable for macros), greater crop factor, etc.

lol, dun know how to explain, but there is a difference.

So far, I have taken about 8,000 pics with the cam. >95% of the pics taken are either birds or insects ;p

Shooting insects
Its quite nice shooting insects with the 1D4, because (1) there are a lot of AF points so that u can really pinpoint on the exact spot of the insect that u wanna shoot. sometimes the eye of the insect is at the corner left or corner right, but u still can manage to select the AF point on it... At macro distance, its very hard to focus lock and recompose. just a small slight movement in recomposing would result in a blurred insect eye, thus the number of AF points help. However this is not just unique to the 1D4, on my previous D300, it also has a lot of AF points, which also allow me to shoot insects at ease. I am sure the same could be said for D700 too.

You could use live view to pin point the exact spot, but the thing is live view is very slow... and for fidgety insects that easily jumps/fly away, its not really advisable and thus accurate focusing thru the viewfinder is still pretty important.

Mirror Slap
After these 8k frames, one very major difference between the 1D4 and 5d2/D300/7D/D70s is the mirror slap. The mirror slap of the 1D4 is really very fierce and strong, to the extent that it is quite irritating at times. I went online to search abt the mirror slap issue and to my surprise I wasnt the only one feeling this way, there were also numerous other 1D4 users complaining abt the mirror slap.

If u mount the 1D4 onto the tripod directly and shoot, the mirror slap vibration will be some sort damped by the tripod legs, and thus wouldnt affect the image. The problem comes when u mount the 1D4 to the big lens such as the 500 F4.

When mounting the 1D4 to the 500 F4, the lens would be mounted to the tripod instead of the camera itself. Thus when u fire off there is no tripod to absorb the mirror slap vibration. The end result of this is that if i use any shutter speed slower than 1/200s and fire off at 10fps, most of the images are blurred. Even with the IS turned on, it doesnt really help in reducing the blurness caused by mirror slap.

Shutter Curtain Slap
Of course i also tried using mirror-lockup in case u are wondering. I also realise one difference between the mirror-up of 1D4 and 5d2/7D/D300. For 5d2/7D/D300, the mirror would fall back to the normal position after one shot. Thus u cannot do continuous shot in mirror-up mode for 5d2/7D/D300. For the 1D4, there is an option whereby the mirror could stay up after the firing of shots. In this manner, u could do mirror up continuous shooting!

It sounds and works very cool. However, this is also where I learnt another flaw of the 1D4... even the shutter curtain slap is quite strong! Thus even though I already have the mirror up, the continuous shot pictures would still be blur if i use shutter speeds of slower than 1/125s. With the mirror-up, i experimented and realised that I need a shutter speed of at least 1/160s for the images to be sharp at 10fps.

Perhaps the focal length of 700mm/1000mm (500 F4 with 1.4x/2.0x) is so sensitive such that it is susceptible to even the shutter curtain slaps?

PS: the above are observations from a newbie coming from the background of D70s/D300 coupled with 70-200 with 1.7x or 80-400mm & this is the first time I m using the 1 series and first time using the super teles. Didnt realise that the differences though subtle, has quite a big impact on the resulting images. When using the D300 with 70-200 + 1.7x or 80-400mm previously, I dun have problems at all with mirror slap when mounted onto the tripod.

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The thing that really wowed me is the initial focus acquisition. It is really fast and reasonably accurate. I am still figuring out how to use the AF custom functions to its optimum.

Just for fun:
Previously on my D70s, i tried putting a 2x teleconverter onto a f5.6 lens to become F11, and its quite terrible. The viewfinder became very dark, and the focusing is very very slow.. However I tried stacking 2x and 1.4x teleconverter onto a F4 lens, which makes it also a resulting F11, but the focusing is still quite reasonable. Its definitely than what it was on my D70s.

In addition, the viewfinder is also definitely brighter and bigger. I still can make out what I am focusing at F11. However on the D70s, things are really quite dark to the extend that its quite hard to focus properly.

PS: the above are observations from a newbie coming from the background of D70s/D300 coupled with 70-200 with 1.7x or 80-400mm & this is the first time I m using the 1 series and first time using the super teles. Didnt realise that the differences though subtle, has quite a big impact on the resulting images. When using the D300 with 70-200 + 1.7x or 80-400mm previously, I dun have problems at all with mirror slap when mounted onto the tripod.

wow, after those kind of investment you still called yourself a newbie ;)

Wow, wow, wow.... am envious.. I'll just settle with non 1D series but FF...:;)

devilry :thumbsup: for your feed back written.
Maybe one day i will also have my hands on 1DIV (one day).

Why didn't you get the 7D instead?

Lighter, cheaper, not much slower, flash transmitter (suitable for macros), greater crop factor, etc.
7D hunt and don't acquire focus when background is dark (i am facing this problem).

Mirror Slap
After these 8k frames, one very major difference between the 1D4 and 5d2/D300/7D/D70s is the mirror slap. The mirror slap of the 1D4 is really very fierce and strong, to the extent that it is quite irritating at times. I went online to search abt the mirror slap issue and to my surprise I wasnt the only one feeling this way, there were also numerous other 1D4 users complaining abt the mirror slap.

If u mount the 1D4 onto the tripod directly and shoot, the mirror slap vibration will be some sort damped by the tripod legs, and thus wouldnt affect the image. The problem comes when u mount the 1D4 to the big lens such as the 500 F4.

When mounting the 1D4 to the 500 F4, the lens would be mounted to the tripod instead of the camera itself. Thus when u fire off there is no tripod to absorb the mirror slap vibration. The end result of this is that if i use any shutter speed slower than 1/200s and fire off at 10fps, most of the images are blurred. Even with the IS turned on, it doesnt really help in reducing the blurness caused by mirror slap.

Shutter Curtain Slap
Of course i also tried using mirror-lockup in case u are wondering. I also realise one difference between the mirror-up of 1D4 and 5d2/7D/D300. For 5d2/7D/D300, the mirror would fall back to the normal position after one shot. Thus u cannot do continuous shot in mirror-up mode for 5d2/7D/D300. For the 1D4, there is an option whereby the mirror could stay up after the firing of shots. In this manner, u could do mirror up continuous shooting!

It sounds and works very cool. However, this is also where I learnt another flaw of the 1D4... even the shutter curtain slap is quite strong! Thus even though I already have the mirror up, the continuous shot pictures would still be blur if i use shutter speeds of slower than 1/125s. With the mirror-up, i experimented and realised that I need a shutter speed of at least 1/160s for the images to be sharp at 10fps.

Perhaps the focal length of 700mm/1000mm (500 F4 with 1.4x/2.0x) is so sensitive such that it is susceptible to even the shutter curtain slaps?

PS: the above are observations from a newbie coming from the background of D70s/D300 coupled with 70-200 with 1.7x or 80-400mm & this is the first time I m using the 1 series and first time using the super teles. Didnt realise that the differences though subtle, has quite a big impact on the resulting images. When using the D300 with 70-200 + 1.7x or 80-400mm previously, I dun have problems at all with mirror slap when mounted onto the tripod.

Did u do this indoors or outdoors? Could be alot of factors to cause blurness...wind? rumbling vehicles on roads nearby?

However, if 100% of the shots are like that, then I would say u are right.... either that or u are in the middle of earthquake when u took those shots.

7D hunt and don't acquire focus when background is dark (i am facing this problem).

What lens were you using? Did you try using the AF assist on your flash?

Most canon users complained of that the AF was unable to achieve focus (i.e. hunting) in dark/dim conditions. 2 friends went to night safari, 1 canon, 1 nikon. The canon user usually cant nail the focus.