[Festard] - A Photo A (whenever possible) 2006

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madmacs said:
we are sorry to inform you that your services have been terminated with immediate effect.



i disappeared

but i'm back with film

lol... don't scold me i promise to improve k!!


festard said:
no~!! can't u see i'm not even at beginners level
i'm still learning man

yeah, I can see u'r not even at beginners level, u'r all Creativity with Film Expert Level! :bsmilie:

Ashleyy said:
yeah, I can see u'r not even at beginners level, u'r all Creativity with Film Expert Level! :bsmilie:

hahaha ya right!
which idiot photographer would take a pic like that with such horrible exposures and with a stupid shadow of his!?

festard said:
hahaha ya right!
which idiot photographer would take a pic like that with such horrible exposures and with a stupid shadow of his!?

precisely, most of the time we are catch up with getting a technically correct and perfect photo that we lost the creativityness... Thanksfully we have you to teach us that!

Thank you, Shi Mu! :lovegrin:

mel been busy with school and play, no time visit forum!
now having holidays, i'm sure i'll post something soon
thanks for MISSING me!

Thanks Mel for showing us yr unsual photos. Really looking forward to see more. Nice and sharp for self potrait. Think i got to book a place to learn from you. Whats the queue number now?


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