Every picture tells a story

Happy New Year!
Keep on gazing!
Sometimes the train stops for us.


Kerchil is unhappy that it is the year of the rat and not cat. Or he is unhappy and shy because I filmed him playing "soaking in bathtub."

恭喜发财,万事如意,身体健康。HUAT AH!


2hrs from Port Macquarie, New South Wales is the laidback town of Bellingen. A hot 37C day. Fortunately not humid.
Next stop Smoky Cape Lighthouse.
FujiX70 n Samsung S10 with moment anamorphic lens attachment but undesqueezed.
Music: Valse Du Petit Chien, Power Director.


Away from families, friends, work n play.
One day this darkness will pass.
In the meantime, stay safe. Stay home.


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I got my sirui 50mm anamorphic 1.33x e mount today.
Day shot at f16.
Night at f2.8.
Shot on the a63oo. jpg, only processing was desqueezing to around 1:2.35.

Here's the link.

I hope everyone is well.
I had great plans when I started the circuit breaker. Learning this and that. Cooking this and that. After the 2nd week, I realised cooking is not such a great idea as weight gain n leftover food were a consequence.
Every thing was going at a slower pace. Need a lot more discipline staying home and being "productive". So much for my Japanese lessons revision. Lesson learnt.
But I did watch a bit more movies and picked up more film making, story writing tips and we (Team GT) managed to make 2 short film (for the mm2 contest).
Here's "The Unsound Mr Moon" which we made but did not submit. A 4 min short film.
I'll share the other 'Instant Noodles & Toilet Rolls' next time.
Thanks for watching. :cool:


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In "The Unsound Mr Moon", Mr Moon "gazes long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
In the next short film made for the mm2 lovewithin short film contest, he gazes into the microwave oven, a drain hole and some form of sanity returns.

Here's "Instant Noodles and Toilet Rolls" celebrating the anxiety and comfort that these 2 items brought to some of us during the days of our Covid 19 lockdown.

The finalists and winners of the mm2 Lovewithin contest can be found in the below link. Tap on the Videos tab and you get to see all.


i hope everyone is practicing good social behaviour, staying safe and maintaining a sound mind in spite of personal challenges.

Besides the elections, the Nine emperor festival which started on Friday would have been another event that is a photographer's visual feast.
Here are some scenes of their arrival from a few years ago.

i had access to the living quarters of a HDB shophouse. The weathered look of the place gave me an opportunity to use the location for making a short film. I had one month before the new tenant moves in and that"s more then enough time to shoot!

Together with Patrick we made a short film "A New Beginning" for the Rode Reel 3 minute short film competition.


After that there was still time for another...

Well done ! AND keep safe.

During the National Day weekend, Singapore Art Museum organised a 48Hr 3 minute short film contest "Home in Singapore 2020". Celebrating resilience, selflessness, kindness and national pride. It just released the entries on 30October.
Here are the selected entries available for viewing till 8Nov 2020.

Here's the unselected entry that will be available for as long as YouTube is around.
Cringe worthy.

Thanks Stephen! Keep safe too!

Attempted 2 one minute short film for the Samsung Short and Sharp contest. Watch it in portrait mode on phone.
Last weekend's walk became a quest to seek out someone's missing pet dog after we stumbled upon a missing pet poster.

Here's "Frosty is missing"


Today at 1159hrs is the last day for Cine65 short film submission. Theme is "Stronger Together".
I managed to make 2.
Here's one of them.
Made with the help of Kelly, 2 brothers Daryl and Daniel under the watchful eyes of their parents and my pet dinosaur, Dino.
It was a challenge for me matching colours between clips, no more early afternoon shoot in future.
Here's "2 Brothers". My friend Tahchoe livened up the film with sound effects and choice of music.


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Here's the other cine65 submission made with the help of my sister's family.
Thankfully members of my extended family have been supportive of my hobby (fingers crossed).
I am a fan of induction cooker. Throw on your salmon fillet or a piece or steak, set your timer , walk away and let the meat cook unsupervised, returning only to flip and re set timer. Crispy fish skin and crusty steak all the time.
Do watch to the end for the recipe and a question.


Happy National Day!
Social security, nation defence are some of the highlights of National Day Parade.
Sometime back, i was wandering around west coast beach, i came across a "See any suspicious activities?" sign.
Before you know it i was alerted to all kinds of suspicious activities along the shoreline.

Here's "shoreline".

I was not alone.



At the last minute a story came about. With the help of Patrick, we managed to make a short film at this spot in West Coast Park.

Followed by some homework to add some scenes to spice up the show.


Here's the link to our film submitted for the Rode Reel 2021.
As usual, it was fun. Made easy by use of phone to shoot.

Here's "Unleash". It should be titled "What a beautiful day". That's another story.


Some kids knocking at the door of my mum's house reminded me of a Halloween event 6 years ago. Damn! Time flies.
It took place at Woodlands. Here's American Horror Story : Suburbia (Singapore)

Here's a flipbook from that night. I saw a different event that night. Where meek dog turns wild and angel fear to tread.
Landscape orientation on phone and use right and left arrow keys to flip.


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I finally managed to scratch that itch to make a short film. Last Sunday, I participated in a Kino Micro Kabaret to make a short film between 8am to 8pm. Inspite of 3 of us working together for the first time we hit it off so well that we managed to wrap around 3ish. The energy was palpable , pun intended, it was a damn hot day to be out wearing black. I had to time out to cool off at 11ish while everyone else somehow managed to stay cool. So hot!
Here's a link to a snippet of what transpired.
"The Proposal". Akan Datang to a phone screen near you.

Here's the link to join the Kino group if u are keen to participate in their challenges.

And their profile page

Life is not a bed of roses. Bad things happen. We try our best to overcome it. Hopefully, we can focus on moving forward and not look back.
Here's the 4min short film made with Kinoreddot members Agnes Goh, Jeremy Ting and DJ.

The Proposal.