Which eye?

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New Member
Sep 21, 2008
OK, I'm curious. Which eye you use to see through the ViewFinder? Left or Right? :think:

I use the Left eye. That means I am using the Right part of my brain to process the image and that is the "creative" part of the brain. So theoretically, I should be able to do better composition.

However, if using the Right eye, thus using the Left part of the brain, the more technical part of the brain. Here, theoretically, I should be able to get all the settings right (speed, exposures etc)

Maybe I got way too much time on hand here.......:p

OK, I'm curious. Which eye you use to see through the ViewFinder? Left or Right? :think:

can isolate the side of the brain that worked in forming this question? use the other side. ;p

just kidding. Really, it is just nitpicking, if that kinda thing matters, we must see that all artists, chefs, composers all wearing eye patches. get back to basic stuff: composition, lighting, depth of field, you know. They do matter in taking good photographs.

Acually, the retina in each eye are split into left-half and right-half. The left-half retina of both eyes goes to the left hemisphere of the brain while the right-half retina of both eyes goes to the right hemisphere.

To make things more confusing, the right side of our visual field ends up projected on the left half of our retina, and vice versa.

Err... can read more here if you need help falling asleep http://hubel.med.harvard.edu/b14.htm

after reading all this...lets make it simple

i use my left eye;)

if go according to what TS say, then should use left to get the setting right then change to right eye for composition. then all your pics will be at your best!!!:bsmilie:

by the way, i use right eye.

No wonder "live-view" is getting popular now. You use both eyes to see.

Can get all the settings right and good composition too :bsmilie:

OK, I'm curious. Which eye you use to see through the ViewFinder? Left or Right? :think:

I use the Left eye. That means I am using the Right part of my brain to process the image and that is the "creative" part of the brain. So theoretically, I should be able to do better composition.

However, if using the Right eye, thus using the Left part of the brain, the more technical part of the brain. Here, theoretically, I should be able to get all the settings right (speed, exposures etc)

Maybe I got way too much time on hand here.......:p

Not at all. If your left right eyes are related to left right brain theory, then your hands will have to follow the same theory.

Does that mean a surgeon uses left hand to poke poke, and a sculptor uses right hand to poke poke? :bsmilie:

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