Where do you host your images?

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A general question to all: I don't mind paying for hosting service but... how to upload loads of 12MP or more pix quickly from home? Even trying to upload compressed/down-sampled photos to Facebook such a pain leh.

A general question to all: I don't mind paying for hosting service but... how to upload loads of 12MP or more pix quickly from home? Even trying to upload compressed/down-sampled photos to Facebook such a pain leh.

Facebook upload is now faster than flickr, mainly cause facebook compresses and downsamples the files i think. I've almost finishe uploading photos of my recent trip on facebook while i'm still struggling with flickr :think:

But facebook only allows up to a certain file size... I think is 5mb. Even so I would just reduce the resolution to around 1280 x 900+ when uploading on facebook since I am not doing it for professional job. Too high a resolution, facebook will compress it and kinda spoils the quality instead.

Flickr pro service for me. Can upload full resolution to the server as backup if you are really kiasu. Decent speed and vibrant community.
Smugmug comes in close at the second place with a very fast photo retrieval system. 100% paid usage, but they provide options for you to easily monetize your photographs.

I am just curious to know where most of CSers host their images.

(a) Flickr
(b) PhotoBucket
(c) Deviantart
(d) SmugMug
(e) Picasa
(f) Others __(specify)___

And maybe you can convince me to join your favourite Image Hosting Site?
They all look tempting though!

An important related question should be: which ISP+photo-hosting-site gives the best speed combination. Next gen photos going to exceed 20MP. And with SDXC, one can easily shoot thousands of these. How to upload quickly?

I use Picasa. It's easy, has the ability to keep images private and most importantly I love the iPad app Web Albums to view my images (and this links to Picasa). Haven't really tried others but Picasa works for me.

How is multiply comared to picasa ?