What was the Starfish doing?

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New Member
Mar 4, 2002


Where did you take those photos? Chek Jawa?


i didn't know starfish .....

yah hor... it is a fish after all... izzit?
than again... i also never see fish ... before...


Originally posted by rainyboy

i didn't know starfish .....

yah hor... it is a fish after all... izzit?
than again... i also never see fish ... before...

anyway, i wonder how it feels if you steps on 1 accidentally.
yikks! :what:

mmm...how u know the starfish is dying??

Well....most multicellular organisms, other than a type of flea, some type of fishes, some type clams and some others requires "Doing it" to reproduce. Generally, the male provides have the genetic material and the female provides half the genetic materia to produce the off-springs. Some molds have interesting characteristic as the male and female both provide the whole genetic material they have resulting in a cell that has twice the amount of genetic materials (4 copies of the same genes instead of 2 copies like us) and in later stages shuffle and seperates them to get the correct amount. (we shuffles the genes and divide them into half before sending them out. Do you know, the spermatozoa and the ova has only half the genetic materia as compared to other cells? And having a baby boy or a baby girl depends on the male, not the female in contrary to popular beliefts?)

This clearly has a evolutionary advantage, and that's why this system is so widespread. The advantage is that it allows a greater genetic variety and faster rate of mutation which will allow for better adaptability to environmental changes. It also allows 'filtering out' bad genes as those which has very bad genes will likely die before reaching the age to reproduce. The bad genes are therefore lost.

But personally, I think a better system would be a system which allows asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction, such as in molds and a certain type of flea. This way, when a mate is not available, the organism is still capable of reproduction, but these will be exact genetic clones of the parent.

Hey~ Even those nasty bacteria exchange and share genetic information sometimes. They cand pass each other goody genes, such as antibiotic resistance genes... much to our dismay~

Originally posted by IamJeFfy

anyway, i wonder how it feels if you steps on 1 accidentally.
yikks! :what:

starfish won't die so easily one leh. Once in a place (near the sea) there was a number of starfish. The those joker fishermen, slice all the starfish that they have caught. (the population of the fishes there became low when the population of starfish increase). Guess what? the population of starfish increased exponently!!!!:bsmilie: and less fishes ............

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