urgent: got a gd deal on both em1 and x100mk2


New Member
Jan 16, 2012
I am at Brisbane currently and there is a sale! Em1 with 12-50 kit lens after discount and tax is 1700sgd while mk2 is 710, display set.

Heart itchy! Which one would you guys rec considering I own a em5?

I am at Brisbane currently and there is a sale! Em1 with 12-50 kit lens after discount and tax is 1700sgd while mk2 is 710, display set. Heart itchy! Which one would you guys rec considering I own a em5?

Good price. How long u intend to keep it?

Keep the em5?

Keep the em5?

I mean buy the EM1 and keeping it? Will it satisfy U for a long time: > 2 years? If so, just BBB the EM1. If not, pass the deal and look at full frame cameras if u r already having an EM5...

I for sure would still w mirrorless or m43 for that matter

I for sure would still w mirrorless or m43 for that matter

For tat kinda price, Y not just go wif the mirrorless Sony A7? U will appreciate the IQ out from a FF sensor, bro... How's the price of the A7 in Brisbane?

I for sure would still w mirrorless or m43 for that matter

I'd take the EM-1 unless I'm looking for a compact to complement my setup. RX100M2 at $710's a good price but remember its a display set ;)

SGD1.7K after selling off the 12-50 will net u SGDd1.5K, a very good price for body alone. The improvements from EM5 to EM1 is also immense, try it and u'll know immed.

A7's for now probably more suitable for those who've a lot of legacy lenses lying around. Prob consider that if u wana jump into a new system with only 1 FE lens (the 35/2.8) available currently. Will be good to wait a bit and see how Sony settles the launch timeline for its lenses.

If you have an EM5, and have some good m4/3 primes or fast zooms, don't think you need to get the EM1. However, if you have some good legacy 4/3 lenses, then then EM1 is a good camera for those. I would rather spend the money on some good m4/3 lenses.

Managed to get 30 bucks off the mk2. Yeah gonna use it as a complementary cam. Thanks guys!!