LR Tips Take the Extensis Font Survey


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2006
The good folks at Extensis certainly know a thing or two about fonts. After all, they are the purveyors of products like Suitcase Fusion, Suitcase Attaché, Universal Type Server, and Font Doctor. And now they want to learn more about what you think of fonts, by giving you the chance to share your thoughts about the future of typography in a brief survey on typographic trends. They ask: What styles do you think will be trending? What’s passé? What wouldn’t you touch with a 10-foot pole? So here’s your chance to proclaim your secret love for Papyrus (anonymously, of course), or the fact that slab serifs make you giddy. In exchange for sharing your opinions (and a few minutes of your time), you’ll get a shot winning an iPad Mini. Extensis Typographic Trends Survey
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