"Tag and release" photos: How?

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Senior Member
Sep 25, 2005
New York, Singapore
Hi everyone,

Is there any idea how we can embed stuff in our photos, such that they are easily searchable on goggle images or other image search engines?

Some professional photographers mentioned that they found numerous websites etc using their photos without permission. I'm wondering how they managed to find them?

Is it in the exif data? or something to do with naming of the images?

Any ideas and suggestions are welcome!

there are companies that specialise in these services. They will surf net the whole day, buy all available magazines and read to find pictures similiar to their client's works.

there are companies that specialise in these services. They will surf net the whole day, buy all available magazines and read to find pictures similiar to their client's works.

wah seh,

I think that kind of service is only for those professional photographers, who can ask for a few grands for a photo.

The software to embed stuff in your photos so that it is trackable is also a specialised service which can be expensive.

What I found interesting was a suggestion by a forum member to register a chockful of images in a single DVD as a single WORK to try to circumvent the S$45 per work charges imposed by the US Registry.

Although I'm no expert in US laws, I can forsee a possible complication where someone uses ONE of the 10000 images in there and this guy, thinking he can sue for it, gets a turnaround when a defence that only 0.001 % of the work has actually been use, thereby qualifying for the fair use defences under US laws.

This may be a classic example of how plausible sounding misinformation is spread.

thanks for the tips guys.

according to them, they just searched on google images. see here" http://wetpixel.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17409

can you search for images using EXIF data?

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