Sunset vs Sunrise - can you tell

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Shen siung

Senior Member
May 21, 2008

Just out of curiosity, if you are given a photo (of sunrise /sunset), without a caption, will you be able to tell it is sunrise or sunset?

I can't. ;)

If there is water you might be able to tell; in the morning the water will be really calm - so it will look more like a mirror.

in the event of a peaceful dusk, the water will also be very calm. -.-'''


Just out of curiosity, if you are given a photo (of sunrise /sunset), without a caption, will you be able to tell it is sunrise or sunset?

I can't. ;)

no, you can't.

but if you know the location well, you can. that's about it.

as for water, there is no constant, some nights, water is calm, some mornings water is rough; some places water always calm no matter what because of nature of water body and position of water body, hence less vulnerable to wind, etc. so many factors, you can hardly predict a constant universally.

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Check the time in exif?

If you know the location of the place.


Check the time in exif?

80% is sunset as most people will not be able to get up that early and be all set to wait for sunrise. j/k...

my personal opinion, i feel that sunrise will give more of cool and more hue in the sky where sunset will give more warm, orangey, red colour .

I think sunsets tend to give you warmer colours...

So is this sunrise or sunset? ;p


personally, i think there is a different.

from my experience, sunrise tend to have more 'blueish' sky above when the sun is raising. sunset tend to be warmer, the sky above the sun when the sun is setting is not as blue as sunrise.

i dunno if i m correct on this but this is the reason why i will prefer to shoot sunrise than sunset anytime.

colors of the sky can be alter in camera or at the post, so you can't be certain if the picture is taken during sunrise or sunset.

but I notice the evening sky tense to be more dramatic, and in the morning are more mild.

you can also can tell by seeing the morning mist or dew.

this is only apply on local, I can't be certain about other parts of the world.

hope this help.

So is this sunrise or sunset? ;p


My guess is sunset, because looking at how well the sky is already very well lit. A sunrise would have a dimmer sky, unless this isn't a true sun rise shot but sometime past sun rise.

I have the chance to see many many sun rises and sun sets out at sea. You will notice the transition between the two.

Some people believe that sunrise tends to be warmer looking because there is more grit and dust load thrown into the atmosphere during the day and the resultant particulate atmosphere creates a warmer looking color in sunset than compared to sunrise.

But I have seen fair share of nice red sunrises too. Or probably the chances of me waking up in the morning at 630 am to shoot is less likely than me shooting a sunset.


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