Success With Integrity

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centuryegg said:
Unfortunately in this real world. integrity and honesty doesn't always pay off.

But does everything we do HAVE to pay off immediately? If one is not in a desperate situation, one usually has the option of exhibiting some non-selfish behaviour.

Being nice is sometimes seen as weakness.

Unfortunately, that seems to be common trait in this part of the world (i.e. kiasu mentality). However, one can try to lead by example, even if that means "losing out" at times. Singapore has a relatively small population; it doesn't take that many people to start a trend.

nice post Son,

by the way i actually read halfway only.. got lost abit ha ha...

Rheo said:
nice post Son,

by the way i actually read halfway only.. got lost abit ha ha...


Perhaps its a bit long, but read it, and reflect on it, i think it will bring more meaning. :)

really h aha

Sun_Of_The_Beach said:
Good post. But when the stomach is hungry, who thinks about integrity? It's only when you reached "the top", then you can think of integrity, honesty blah blah blah..

eric69 said:
Good post. But when the stomach is hungry, who thinks about integrity? It's only when you reached "the top", then you can think of integrity, honesty blah blah blah..

In a sad way yes I have to agree with you. When u are successful, you are admired and most of your flaws can be covered up. Although as the saying goes, you have yourself to answer to but again... when u are up there, its kind of too late to turn back.

This is the world we live in, survival of the fittest. Even for photography events, dont you see photographers fighting for the best spot? Do you think one shows and mercy to the guy next to him? Its the one who gets the shot who wins and who will care two hoots about the guy who graciously gave his spot away?

My personal belief is be aware that this is the real world and not fool ourselves with "Feel Good" statements. Whether we want to remain neutral or become an ass is our choice.

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