Studio Portraiture : An Introduction to Lighting Right

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Some points on posing n lighting

1. never shoot at too low an angle or you will see the "the 2 tunnels in the nose" - its better to be angled slight at eye level or slightly above. If you need to stand on some thing (a chair ect) to get the angle do so.
2. never be use too high shooting angle - the top of head will appear larger and more prominent, just right height and angle means the face look longer and chin will look more pointed.
3. legs should be arranged at an angle and not knees pointed straight in - the idea is to make the legs look better. Ditto for the shoulders.
4. any body parts (hands, shoulder, top of head, hips) closer to the lens always looks bigger.
4. the closer the soft box the softer the light or the bigger soft box will give a softer light more wrap around light.
5 you can position a light in from a direction other the straight in frontal, in from the either sides (left or right) or top gives a different feel to the light.... experiment
6 use the modeling light to help you see where the light will fall - if need to switch off all the other room lights to be able to see this.

Some pictures taken at the event can be viewed here.

Hi Ellery, Thanks for the nice recap! Shi Lei here, not sure if you can recall my name, my boyfriend, Hendra and I managed to catch you and the speakers outside the museum! It was really an eyeopener that night! Looking forward to catch more of clubsnap events and those by WPAS too :) Good job everyone!

Yes I remember the two of you - Shi Lei n Hendra. Good job on that portraiture pictures for Japan fund raiser event on FaceBook. Admirable move.

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