Special promo price of A7Riii at iShopChangi

Anybody interested can let me know! i'm traveling soon and I can hitch a set for you :)

Just to let you know, ishop does not comes with free gift as stated in sony site.

Saw JB shops selling a7r3 body for around S$3470 promo price..... this is good price?

As far as I know, Sony A7R Mark iii is now at a promotional price of ~$3500 for month of Sept. Extra battery as free gift.
But seeing the new releases from Nikon & Canon hitting market soon, the offer may continue.

Prefer A9 at 3000 if possible lol. No blackout is good for sports oh well mirrorless Z hole too big so in future their lens will be bigger than any zeiss or normal ones

As far as I know, Sony A7R Mark iii is now at a promotional price of ~$3500 for month of Sept. Extra battery as free gift.
But seeing the new releases from Nikon & Canon hitting market soon, the offer may continue.

Are you referring to ishopchangi ? It 3457 now. But no free battery or any gift.

Available at Comex 2018 at $3699, which is $3457 before GST.