Sony A7Riv

Which airport shop?

The price in Singapore was SG $4999 (including GST). The price at B&H in the US is $3,500 (US dollars). But, remember the US price is WITHOUT sales tax. Depending on the state, the tax could be say 9%, making the total US price $3,815. Convert the US $3,815 to Sing dollars makes it the equivalent of $5,291.40 Sing dollars. Yes, the Sony A7RIV costs less in Singapore than it does in the US. Lucky us!

And YES, I bought it yesterday and I LOVE IT! I can't wait to start printing larger prints for fine art photography.

Hi there, I would also like to print large. But with 61 megapixels in your A7R4, which shop do you go to do your large prints? Can the shop handle the raw files directly from your sony or do you have to convert them yourself to formats that the shop can use? I am also thinking of getting the A7R4 to do very large panoramic prints. Appreciate your feedback.