So many JBPs!

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2002
Quite a lot of JBP pic posts lately, coincidentally I paid a visit to JBP today too. Here are the better ones. :)




nice shots , tweek

I guess u have learned how to take ur objects (birds) clear and sharp .. but I think it is time to learn how to compose it better ... try to look out for a better contrast background and use fill flash to make it eyes glow ..

Originally posted by megaweb
nice shots , tweek

I guess u have learned how to take ur objects (birds) clear and sharp .. but I think it is time to learn how to compose it better ... try to look out for a better contrast background and use fill flash to make it eyes glow ..

Thanks mega :) Yep I should have tried to find a contrasty background, but I find that for bird shots, its quite restrictive. Since most birds are very very active, I normally don't have time to choose the background. And for birds held in enclosures, worse, my angle of shoot is constraint even more. But I'll try...:)

And fill flash was used in every shot above, just that I don't have an external flash. My internal flash range is only up to 4-5m, so for far subjects, it wouldn't have much effect.

Originally posted by ninelives
nice close-up shots. wat camera you using?

thanks.;) The cam is C700UZ, and for Kanu's qn, I used my internal flash as fill-flash.

Very nice and vibrant! Haven't tried taking pics at JBP. A bit itchy now...

Btw, did you increase the flash intensity to the max? It does help a bit to increase your flash distance.

I like this one.

And this too.. if the bird is not under shade, the blue tone might be more even and nicer! :)


Originally posted by azone
Very nice and vibrant! Haven't tried taking pics at JBP. A bit itchy now...

Btw, did you increase the flash intensity to the max? It does help a bit to increase your flash distance.

Thanks, azone. It's about time you go to the JBP then, to try out your C210 on the birdies! ;) I will try increasing the flash intensity next time....:)


Btw, can anyone tell that the above pic was taken at ISO400? Post-noise-reduction done of course.....

This is my fav of the lot:

Originally posted by Tweek
Btw, can anyone tell that the above pic was taken at ISO400? Post-noise-reduction done of course.....

Hmm.. not bad. I can't tell from it.

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