Shoot Raw + L and some other C1P qns...

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I was shooting Raw + L for a wedding on a 1d2 with
colour matrix custom setting
Color space : Adobe RGB
Sat: High
Color Tone +1

I was doing a comparison between the jpeg (setting 10) and the raw file in C1Pro
I noticed that the raw file seems to be warmer.
The skin tones in the jpeg are more "flat" (not in a bad sense) but more neutral.
Can someone enlighten me on this?

In C1P, why does the meta data settings for the raw images color space show up as
Color space :sRGB ?

I remembered clearly in the past (using a 10D) that the subject distance would be displayed. Now, it shows "unknown"


Ans1) The colour and stuff you see in the JPG is the image as processed in the camera processor, and Canon has traditionally produced files with that kind of look. In a sense, this kind of file takes to retouching better than more contrasty, punchy files, but might not be what someone wants to print out immediately...its the preference of Canon, not better or worse than what other manufacturers produce but a choice they made. What you see in C1Pro is what that software interprets from the RAW file. :)

Ans2&3) Have you updated your C1Pro recently? Somtimes with new cameras, the companies that produce the cameras like to tweek the file format even though the extension .CRW is still the same, and this might affect the way information may be read or stored...this is just speculation on my part for your case, of course :)

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