Said it Once, I'd Say It Again....

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singapore a bit troublesome for photography...
too hot complain...
rain also complain...

*pray for cool weather tomorrow... by unlikely...

... believe you me - if you put a slice of KRAFT cheese out on your patio or window sill - you will watch it melt !

Man - we're gonna fry this month......

Anyways, I read my Dynax 7 manual, and it says :
This unit is built to operate at temperatures ranging from -20C to 50C .... I hope so....

In any case - I already ordered another Dynax 7 body just in case.

Oh, and that damn 50-500mm APO SIGMA lens is still S$1,750.00..
shucks... who do I need to call on ? The mafia ????

Stay cool - all you cool photographers out there...



Hi Ruth,

Your parents gonna hit the roof with the AC on 12 hours ...

I'd rather sweat it and save the PUB bills for more lenses and stuff that raises my goose bumps....



.. hope I am right in assuming that her parent's business cash flow is good. Othoerwise, indeeed, a shock is in order.


Singapore need sun block want meh? I thought Singaporean must all go chao tar... people fly half way around the globe to Singapore to get Chao Da, we get it free also dun want... Sigh~
Kids nowsadays...;p

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