Rules on selling Celebrity Photos?

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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2004
West area
Are there any unstated rules on selling celebrity shots, example those taken autograph session during one of their visits to shopping malls? Are we so-called like allowed to sell those images we took of them? Please don't say need model release form because it's just impossible to get it.

How about those shots that were captured during filming?

I have contacts who wished to buy some of my images so as to sell them to the mass, is it alright to do so since I took them myself?

all pictures of recognisable faces must be followed by a model release form or something along that line.

if not, u can still go ahead, but pray the photos do not get traced to you.

I don't think so. Celebrities don't like their photos to go on sale. :nono:

Actually, I think you can get into trouble with copyright infringement with effect from this year.
You may own the copyrights to your pictures of the artistes, but you do not own the copyrights to his/her talents such as his voice, showmanship, looks and even 'style'. Taking pictures of artistes are okay within certain levels, but sales of artistes pictures are frowned upon. Paranoid artiste companies in South Korea and Japan have been known to take people to courts over just handphone pictures...

Just a question since the topic is up.

What about Reuters? They sell pictures everyday
And they include actors, singers, politicians .....

ortega said:
Just a question since the topic is up.

What about Reuters? They sell pictures everyday
And they include actors, singers, politicians .....

Reuters and other photo agencies are different in a sense that they sell pictures to other media outlets or corporations for publicity or news use. I doubt that they will be selling their pictures to average man on the streets.

Also, photo agencies still need to seek accreditation from the event organisers to allow their photographers in to take pictures. Without media approval, they are still restricted by the same rules at events.

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