rugby Clinic

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Jonny will be the first person to cringe at your description of him. He's a very nice guy and honestly very very selfless. Rugby is a team sport, and all the other 21 lads in the cup final squad played a part in the win on the day, and the entire squad contributed to the tournament win.

That said, Jonny it'll be good to have you back :)

szekiat said:
Happened to have my gear with me in the car when i was passing the padang. Here are some shots from the adidas rugby clinic conducted by JW. For all of us who forgot, this is the guy who single footedly won england the rugby world cup. Clinic/

Enjoy but do not leach. thanks

Woo thanks for the shots. One hell of a flyhalf. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Too bad my favourate team did not make it :cry: :cry:

jed, i no doubt agree with what u say. England played well as a team to win the game. Still, for those of us that only managed to catch snipets of the cup, it would seem that way.

Just a thought, but if you want I can print off one or two of them for him. Let me know.

sure go ahead. It'd be nice. If u need the full size files, let me know. Won't cost me a thing to email them over. Do u know him that well jed?

Well I know him and he knows me. Do we go out socially, no. But I've been photographer at the Falcons for nearly 4 years now, so obviously we know each other. Stick your name on the file somewhere. I've got a pic of him and me and the world cup somewhere around...

I'd suggest one of the ones with fans, and/or one or the others, but make sure they're good... I'd leave off the kicking one for instance which he's got plenty of in Falcons kit and England kit so I don't think he'll be fussed. Just saying, think about it before you choose.

I'm going in to do a kit launch in a week's time, so I'll probably, although not definitely, see him then, if not later in the month as pre-season starts picking up.

right. will do. You mind sending me your email by PM? I'd be most grateful for this favor.

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