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Nov 6, 2003
RSS Latest News

What? Is this all they got a Fine?! Is the lives of the people that died worth only 18K?

I don't know how to feel ....................................................

slap on the wrists.... they should be held more accountable for it. cos it was avoidable.. oh well.... unfortunately it reflects poorly of the standard of our regulars, which is an insult to those who take their job seriously and do a good job at it.

really surprising they didnt go to jail :think:

3 young women crew lost their lives, a 4th is still missing.
A year long trial, and they are only punished with paying a fine.
i ask on behalf of the deceased: IS THERE JUSTICE ????? ;(

Agreed that the slap is too light. A prison sentence would be more appropriate. I would believe that the 2 of them are asking: "why is it only a fine?" if they have more conscience.

18 k for 4 lives .. i wonder how they worked out that each life was worth a measly 4.5k ( that's 2.5k from the guy and 2k from her ).. its sheer ............ :angry:

A Price of a life vs a Camera system ??

read from channelnewsasia that 1 of the victim's father plead for them on court. so... up to them to reflect. we would never know what kind of guilt those 2 will have to carry for the rest of their lives.

2 pts:

1) the cost of the trial in terms of tax payers money prob is a lot more than the fine.

2) I feel the fault isn't just on the 2 fellas alone. I fell a large part of the fault lies on the system they are in. how can the system let these 2 jokers run the entire ship? when its obvious they aren't trained sufficiently, gotten enuff experience handling situations? you can't blame them totally, they don't have a choice. the system throws them the responsibility. they screwed it up. so who's fault is it? its like giving a kid a gun to play with then blaming him when he accidentally shoots someone with it.

I think in military court they may kena DB plus their careers are def over, so I guess that's quite jialat punishment too.

Forgive me for this but I feel that there may be a hidden agenda behind this: If the two former regulars are too severely punished, it might deter potential regulars from signing on.

Sounds immature, but that's the first thing that comes to my mind. :embrass:

yaoxing said:
Forgive me for this but I feel that there may be a hidden agenda behind this: If the two former regulars are too severely punished, it might deter potential regulars from signing on.

Sounds immature, but that's the first thing that comes to my mind. :embrass:

good point!

hoppinghippo said:
2 pts:
2) I feel the fault isn't just on the 2 fellas alone. I fell a large part of the fault lies on the system they are in. how can the system let these 2 jokers run the entire ship? when its obvious they aren't trained sufficiently, gotten enuff experience handling situations? you can't blame them totally, they don't have a choice. the system throws them the responsibility. they screwed it up. so who's fault is it? its like giving a kid a gun to play with then blaming him when he accidentally shoots someone with it.

"no better time to close the barn door then when after the horses have run."
"don't fix what ain't broke. "

The system IS to let 2 jokers run the ship during the graveyard shift, and finally one fine day it broke. unfortunaly taking away 3 lives in the process.

navy is going have to review their procedures if they haven't already. Just have to hope the changes do save lives and not to push responsibility down the chain of command.

hey, it was ur (good) pt in the 1st place! :)

the trainer is well seasoned so I don't see what is so wrong with the system per se. as a former commander and trainer of men, I would find myself responsible if my trainee screws-up, right under my nose too.

i feel it's like we see the punishment on the 2 officers. but the public is not aware of what the navy command has planned after this tragedy. maybe there are major repercussions shockwaving through the command chain? or maybe there is nothing major going on, minister of defence sent a memo down and they just forward to units? (just my examples, not serious!!)

it's not like i think the navy chief should resign or anything stupid like tat. but systems are not perfect u know? alright i admit the only system i've exp is with my nsf unit. and there was full of foul-ups there. BUT it's not like it's the first time they are doing it, why r there still problems? a system is not infallible.

ok, don't want to keep harping on my stoopid unit anymore. let's go back to the thread.

Come on people, give them a break.
System is there to help prevent forseeable situations. This was an accident. Error in judgement. Everybody makes mistakes.
How can we put a value on life? All lives are valuable, including theirs.
I think they feel really bad about the whole thing. You think both of them are celebrating now?? Probably crying.
Deep down, I think they were hoping for a harsher punishment, just like most people think so. Now they have to live with this the rest of their lives.

If the opinion is that there's something wrong with the system then help change it.

come it means to say that a jail term would be a more fitting punishment over a fine?what's the point? might as well subsribe to the old adage and say "yi ya huan ya" and sentence them to death.

the lives are but gone already.they've already got the stigma and the guilt to carry with them for the rest of their lives and that itself is already a great burden to carry.

I do not think it is right to say that both of them got too light a punishment. Just because they did not perform their duties fully, causing the death of 3 service personnel plus one more missing, you say that $18K fine for both too light.

Before you all judge them, judge yourselves first:
Did you perform your duties fully during your NS? Did you slack in camp too? If both your answers are No, then you can question about the punishment.

Do not say that they are drawing regular pay. Responsibility to protect Singapore's safety is not weighted by the money given. Once you are given the responsibility, be it regular or NSF you have to perform.

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