RIP : Huang Wen Yong

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[BREAKING] Mediacorp artiste Huang Wenyong passed away in hospital today at the age of 60.

独家快讯: 黄文永今病逝 终年60岁
独家快讯: 黄文永今病逝 终年60岁 - xinmsn 娱乐

[独家快讯] 新传媒艺人黄文永今天在医院病逝,终年60岁。文永大哥,一路好走。

CNA | Vetern actor Huang Wenyong dies

狮城6点半/ 晚间新闻 Ch 8 news
4月20日 新传媒资深艺人黄文永,今天在本地医院病逝。详细内容,请锁定《晚间新闻》。

TODAY online
Veteran actor Huang Wen Yong has died: Reports

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He lost a lot of weight recently, which means something wrong with his health.

A great lost to SG :(

Had grown up watching the dramas he act in. To me, he is a legend in Mediacorp.

RIP Huang Wenyong.....

i would rate Mr Huang's passing as great a loss as that of the late Mr Kuo .

Singapore has lost the finest thespian of his generation

文永大哥, 我们会永远记得你。 :(

When someone share it on facebook, thought another fake news. After see full story it from Channelnewsasia, and many report on it...
RIP .. local TV 1st 阿哥 ..

The Star Award may have some changes in their program arragement.

Long ago a friend mentioned that the late HWY looked tired and worn out on TV.

The friend mentioned a rumor about sheep placenta which is likely baseless coffee shop gossip.

The late HWY kept a low profile without any sensational adventures that some other Mediacorp actors/actresses get into.

Really sad.
From SBC to TCS to whateveritisnow, I think he's still the best.



RIP Huang Wen Yong, parents also told me how great an actor he was

Many of us will remember his perhaps best known for his appearance in 1984 drama The Awakening 雾锁南洋.
One of Singapore's pioneer Chinese Dramas and considered a Classic among Singaporean viewers.
RIP 文永大哥. You are a legend in Mediacorp, you are the best.



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Long ago a friend mentioned that the late HWY looked tired and worn out on TV.

The friend mentioned a rumor about sheep placenta which is likely baseless coffee shop gossip.

The late HWY kept a low profile without any sensational adventures that some other Mediacorp actors/actresses get into.

it was lymphoma.

he was a nice uncle :(

A very emotional Star Award 红星大奖 presentation today.
Can see the tears from many actor and actress....

Without a doubt, he truely deserve the tribute.

An eulogy by Xiang Yun (can be found here:!/XiangYunXiangYun?fref=ts) :


文永,30多年的战友,要写他,点点滴滴,能记得多少?我们从青年,壮年到黄金年代一路走来,面对着不同阶段的人生,事业和健康的挑战。之财常形容我的"象一头牛那样会吃苦",那文永就像牛和雄狮的结合。他不只很会会吃苦,还很固执的坚守岗位。许多农历新年的时段,大家忙着拿假回家庆祝,但是只要公司开口要求他留下开工,他从不拒绝。看他忙完这个戏,就接下个任务,马不停蹄,年复一年的苦干。文永性格老实憨厚,正直,画画唱歌都是他的擅长。对于弱势者会特别的照顾。在我眼中的他是一个孝子,好丈夫,好父亲。在与他共事这些年里,虽然他不提,但我也知道他在不同阶段曾为母亲离世前的病重担忧,承受失去母亲的悲痛,妻子患病时的忧虑,以及为孩子们成长的操心,我只能默默给他打气。"雾锁南洋"是我和文永在演艺圈的一个转折点。文永很用心,很卖力的演,许多危险动作都自己来,病了也继续拍,很敬业。而我却是糊里糊涂的跟着演。那部戏消耗了我们许多体力和连续开早晚班的睡眠时间,但是那时我们还年轻,有本钱. 之后他就一部接一部的拍下去。看到文永工作时一丝不苟,及与导演配合的专业态度,我从中学习了许多,尤其是他原本是教师的背景,对他是又敬又畏,后来一起工作久了熟悉了,从他天天说不完的笑话中感觉轻松多了,慢慢的无所不谈,但还是不敢在他面前放肆,到现在还是一样。所以他是我亦师亦友。到拍摄新年歌mtv时,听到同事说文永暴瘦10公斤的消息时,赶紧给他一个电话问候,他说不知原因,还在想要不要带家人去台湾度假?我鼓励他一定要去,一家人出游是最开心的事,别担心工作了。在"戏剧情牵30年"那天总算看到他了,相信我那一愣认不出消瘦了的他的那个惊讶表情是伤了他,他紧握我的手,小声说:这次不太乐观!我马上阻止他胡思乱想。当晚我侧夜难眠,发了个信息给他,要他一定要去找出病因。之后因不敢打扰他,久不久才发个短信慰问他,要他加油!他也回复我,要我好好照顾自己。但在新年后的简讯他就没回复了,我心里开始着急,后来得知他在医院的那段日子,我几次想探望他的要求都被拒绝了。我了解,因为我也是艺人,希望大家都留下美好的印象,而不是被病魔摧残了的病容,我也知道他明白我的心意。



Rough translation (which doesn't do it justice, I'm not very good at this):

In Memory of Wenyong

Wenyong, a comrade for 30 years. To write about him - what can be remembered? From the strong days of youth to the sunset years of life, we face challenges in our career and health at different stages in life. Zhi Cai always described me to be "as strong as an ox", but Wenyong was the combination of an ox and a majestic lion. He did not just take the tribulations as they come, but was always dedicated to his job. Many a time during Chinese New Year, everyone would be taking leave to go home to celebrate, but whenever the company asked him to stay back to work, he would never decline. We watched him rush to finish this show, and take the next assignment, working tirelessly. Wenyong was an honest, sincere and upright man, good at drawing and singing. He would pay special attention to the weak. In my eyes he was a filial son, a good husband, a great father. While he had never mentioned it at work all these years, I knew that he worried a lot about his mother's severe illness before she passed away. I could only silently cheer him on when he was facing the agony of losing a mother, the distress of his wife's sickness and the pressures of having kids grow up. "Yan Suo Nanyang" was Wenyong's and my turning point in the acting circle. Wenyong was very hardworking and did many dangerous scenes personally, even when he was sick. I merely just took his lead in the acting. That show took up a lot of energy, as we had to wake up early and end work late, having little sleep. That was when we were young and had the capital to do so. Watching Wenyong work to his limit, and professionalism to satisfy the director's demands, I have learnt a lot. I found out that he was originally a teacher - that was respectful yet intimidating. After a while when we were more familiar with each other, he would tell jokes and make the day much lighter. Gradually we talked about everything under the sun, though I never dared to be too uninhibited before him, even up till now, because he was both a teacher and a friend. When it came to shooting the New Year songs' MTV, I heard colleagues mentioning that Wenyong had suddenly lost 10 kg of weight, and immediately gave him a phone call to ask about it. He said he didn't know why, but he was thinking whether to bring his family to Taiwan for a holiday. I encouraged him to go, because travelling with family was a happy affair, and he should put work aside. At another occasion I finally saw him. I believe my surprised expression at his much varied appearance (due to weight loss) hurt him. He grabbed my hand, said softly: "this time the outlook is not good!". I tried to console him and told him to not think too much. That night I had trouble sleeping and sent him a SMS, urging him to find out the reason for the weight loss. Subsequently I didn't dare to disturb him too much, but would send him SMSes now and then to console him and cheer him on. He would reply asking me to take care of myself. After the new year the replies stopped, and I got worried. I later found out that he was in hospital and asked to visit him but my requests were declined. I understand - because I am also in the industry. We all hope that society remembers us as we are in the shows, not our sick and tired side. I also knew somehow, that he understood my intentions.

These few years I have been getting more forgetful. Wenyong would remind me of many things. But now that he is gone, whatever is forgotten remains forgotten, let it be. Life has to go on - not all the comrades at our sides will accompany us till our old age, some will go first, that is life. Wenyong's 60 years have been really wonderful. He took care of himself, and took care of everyone else - everyone who knew him was blessed.

Good bye my good friend! You were really glorious!

No Wen Yong, we wouldn't glue to the TV during the 80's whereby it's our only entertainment at that time. Nowadays all go for korean, which I dont understand why cause do they know how to speak korean or know what they speaking? Even cantonese drama in chinese, I also find it's sick to watch. The taste is not there, no longer like what we got during 80's and 90's program.

Anyway. RIP Big Brother, because of you, the drama will be better. Thanks for all your effort.