Radical Tinting or Brightening Slight Underexposure

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Senior Member
May 11, 2002
Melbourne, Australia

Was toying with PS today and found another way to brighten up a little...under exposed shots....or even add tint of color to compensate some whitebalance problem....this is not a solution to any problem....but an ongoing exploration...

well here is the steps.....try it out and let me know...

1- Open the image
2- Create a new layer
3- Select paint bucket and choose the color - e.g white for brightening under exposed shots..., Black to darken overexposed image....color for tinting & white balance corrections..
4- choose Overlay from the layers drop down menu - originally NORMAL.
5- Use paint bucket and color top layer...
6- You will see the top layer filled with the color choice
7- Then adjust Opacity slider to "0%" - you will see original image as if the top layer is transparent...
8- THen according to taste....adjust slider (increasing) value to taste....

........hope it will kick off some explorations......


Hey, cool!! this works!! But for severely under-exposed and over-exposed shots, it's almost irrepairable..

OzOn3 said:
Hey, cool!! this works!! But for severely under-exposed and over-exposed shots, it's almost irrepairable..

Photoshop is just a tool for slight enhancement, or repair. It's still important to get a correctly exposed shot. :)

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