programe for wedding montages

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New Member
Jul 29, 2004
hi . any here know any program to do wedding photo montages .. any templaet available

Sorry, but I've never seen anything close to what your looking for.
It shouldn't be too hard to put something together in Photoshop though.

arcsoft have a suitable program for u. Visit their website.

montages or slideshows? If montage, can use PS. If slideshow i recommend using photostory from microsoft since it's free..

Maybe a quick newbie's guide to montage in PS? I tried for some time to no avail. Went back to doing it in Powerpoint in the end.

attached is a link to a thread where we had discussed "combining many photos into one", it might be something along the lines of what you are looking for. mind you, rather rudimentary, but the basics are there.

i believe that there are some coys providing such services to do up special montage / slideshows for weddings in java / flash-like scripts / programmes.

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