LR Tips Playing with Color


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2006
No matter where we are on our design path, there is always more to learn about our craft. One of my weaknesses is color theory—something I had a hard time mastering, even back in film school. Luckily, there are games that can help remove some of the grime from our rusty skills. I recently found a few fun color-based skill games that are actually helpful tools in disguise. Just remember when playing these games, if anyone asks, tell them you’re totally making yourself a more informed designer. Color “A Color Matching Game” This web-based game aims to get you more familiar with the traditional color wheel. A time wedge in the center of the wheel displays the item you’re trying to match. It slowly disappears as the time runs out. The first challenge is to match the hue along the thin color ring. That part is fairly simple and your matches are given grades like poor (which I received a lot as I was trying to learn my objective), good, and very good. Next comes saturation, which of course makes for a larger wheel to guess from, since you are now matching hue and saturation. The levels get more difficult [...]
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