Picture looks different when opened with different software

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Dec 25, 2003
North-West Singapore
Hi all,
i am using both the Elements 4.0 and GIMP on my Mac. I used the Elements to do some editing (contrast and saturation) and after which i used GIMP to resize (because for some reason Elements only end up inflating the file size). This was when i discovered that the same picture file when opened with different software looks differently on the same computer.

The picture looks more saturated with contrast in Elements and more 'washed out' and less contrasty with the GIMP.

Would anyone know the reason behind this?

Thank you.

The colour profiles for the 2 programs are different.

It's normal for file size to inflate after editing, because you are changing the pixel values in the picture. On top of that, any software you are using may decide to add metadata to the files that you are editing.


I think Elements (and Photoshop) reads your file different from GIMP. I'm too sure about GIMP but I think it ignores the color profile (usually sRGB or Adobe1998) embedded in the image, hence the washed out color.


Yah I've had this prob with my PC too but have given up cos it seems no one knows the solution. Or does someone here know?

My images look great after I post-processed them in PS but when I tried to view them on Windows explorer, some of the colors and exposure are a bit off. Same thing happens also if I use other softwares. Tired of all these color calibration thingy. Thot I had grasped a good concept about it but now realized there's a new problem to tackle.

Try going to File > Color Settings > Gamma in your Elements (not sure where to find this I use Photoshop 4).
Change the Gamma values - try 2.2 instead of 1.8 or whatever.
Then see whether it looks the same as the other programmes.

Hello David,

Windows Explorer and most web browsers discard the profiles, hence the washed out look. Streetshooter has described an interesting solution for web images, you might want to try it out. I use actions to proccess 2 sets of images, one for web and the other printing. Do note that this is not a color calibration issue.

This means that you have to process images differently for browser viewing and photo printing at your lab (which uses photoshop to view your images) so that they will look the same. That's one of the things has to be worked out.


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