Photo Short Story: Suicide

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2002



I like it, I think the idea is very nice. I'm sure I've been on that very same roof, or just probably they all look exactly the same!

I would have preferred a stronger development, such as the cigarettes. I don't know what, maybe a tastefully done shot of a loss of job or split with g/f or wife. Personally, I think your last frame kills it. I would rather leave it out, because it's really not in keeping with the rest of the series. Everything else is really artfully done and gritty, the last is sort of cheesy really. It's quite clear what your intentions are and frankly, I'd leave it to the viewer's imagination to draw the final frame.

This will fits nicely in Photojournalism.

Anyway, it's a lovely world out there, DUN YOU DARE JUMP!!!

Get down and go shoot more photos ;)

Originally posted by Jed
I like it, I think the idea is very nice. I'm sure I've been on that very same roof, or just probably they all look exactly the same!

I would have preferred a stronger development, such as the cigarettes. I don't know what, maybe a tastefully done shot of a loss of job or split with g/f or wife. Personally, I think your last frame kills it. I would rather leave it out, because it's really not in keeping with the rest of the series. Everything else is really artfully done and gritty, the last is sort of cheesy really. It's quite clear what your intentions are and frankly, I'd leave it to the viewer's imagination to draw the final frame.

Thanks for your comments and suggestions, Jed. :) I've been wanting to do a full-featured photo short story, complete with casts and all, but it's hard to find someone willing to pose in weird actions just for my silly short story. Yeah a shot of the reason for depression would be very good, I thought about asking my gf to give a "I'm dumping you" pose but hehe, it's just too weird.

Yeah, the last pic is quite out of place. It's just that I remember I took this shot in haw par villa some months ago, so I thought it might come in useful. Guess it backfired. :)

I don't know if there are people who do photo short stories (is there a more appropriate term?), but I find the idea pretty exciting and refreshing. Instead of letting one picture tell a story, let a series of them do that. The effect would be quite different.

Erm, have you been on that rooftop? It's in NUS, the roof linking the E3A block and WS2, Engineering Faculty.

p.s. Simon, thanks for moving this thread to the correct channel. I'm not thinking of jumping no worries heehee.

Well no, I think to include a person in the series would be disruptive, since there isn't any in any of the existing pictures. So, no offence, but forget the girlfriend :D Try maybe a discarded wedding/engagement ring, or a bunch of trampled flowers... but like I said, don't make it cheesy. Not that I'm encouraging anything, but maybe a hypodermic or two, some white powder...

I don't know. I've been on several NUS roofs during residential seminars and camps, but since I'm not from the NUS I couldn't tell you specifically which ones I've been on! Although, mostly towards ASS, but then again, on our night excursions, I could never really be sure!

like it a lot cos it tells a story.

hmm... don't like the last picture, but do u think can do something like a ground shoot, ie. from the dead person's 'view'. maybe some blood or his own hand holding on to something (a letter or result slip?) ... or anything along this line?

would like to see more of this story telling pictures :)

Hey, I like it, it's nice! The greyness of the pictures really represents what a person on the verge of suicide feels.... that his/her whole world is drained of color and that they have no hope of moving on liaoz.. except jumping off the bldg. very well done. invoked me to do a lot of thinking. that's great!

thanks reny and AstraPrue :) I will try to do more short stories like this when I have the chance and inspiration. ;)

ya...suddenly last photo is a dead person lying on the ground....a bit disruptive

probably u can use chalk to draw a shape of a person lying down on the floor

and then pour some water (they look black also in B & W pic rite)

also put some "police" tape around the area (if u can found them)

then it really look like a scene where someone just jumped down

btw, how u do the 5th photo???

PS?? or your throw your camera down while u set the shutter to 2seconds

Originally posted by kamwai
ya...suddenly last photo is a dead person lying on the ground....a bit disruptive

probably u can use chalk to draw a shape of a person lying down on the floor

and then pour some water (they look black also in B & W pic rite)

also put some "police" tape around the area (if u can found them)

then it really look like a scene where someone just jumped down

btw, how u do the 5th photo???

PS?? or your throw your camera down while u set the shutter to 2seconds

Wah, that is very demanding you know! :D Anyway it was just an on-the-spot idea, I took less than 5 mins getting all these shots. Was rushing to do my FYP. So no time to set the scene and all...and I think I may get dismissed from the uni if they find me drawing human sillhouette on the ground using chalk...both for mental instability and vandalism, hehheh. But yeah, your suggestion is good, if I have time to plan my next short story, I will look into doing those stuffs. :)

the 5th photo is can I bear throwing my camera down! :D

Nice work tweek!! :thumbsup:

I think this is something like photo essay? Ruey Loon loves doing this. :)

Originally posted by kamwai

btw, how u do the 5th photo???

PS?? or your throw your camera down while u set the shutter to 2seconds [/B]

You can also get this type of effect by zooming when the shutter is open. i.e Long exposure and zoom while taking picture. But then, camera shake comes into the equation and the movement won't be so straight.

Nice work, Tweek. Like most of the rest, I find the last picture disruptive, and even disturbing because it looks like a child to me. So it doesn't really fit the story line very well.

Try to keep the same point of view as the rest of the pictures, which is of the person in the story. So the last picture might have worked if it is of a person's hand resting on the ground, with blood flowing on the ground, and with a surrounding crowd in the blurred background.

I also agree with Jed that giving a suggetion in the beginning on why the person comitted suicide would enhance the storyline.


I like the fourth pic best!

Really gives you the feeling of hurtling down.

Also agree with what the other said abt the last pic.

Get your classmates to surround you while you lie on the ground and take pic of them.. make it a bit blurred, and v.dark at the sides...

Or maybe you want to do a vanilla-sky and end it with a bright white screen. "travelling towards the light at the end of the tunnel" or something..


Hope to see more of such stuff from everyone.

You made my day.

Now I know what to do if i want to jump off a roof, keke. :cool:

thanks thanks. Didn't think this old thread would be dug up again. :) Nice to hear encouragements from everyone.

Will try more of these short stories once I get inspirations for a good story line, and enough cast members. ;)

been trying to find this thread for a while....
how did u do the zooming down pic??

Originally posted by eadwine
been trying to find this thread for a while....
how did u do the zooming down pic??

in photoshop, under filter, select "radial blur", then select "zoom" as the blur method.

A bit cheapskate....:D

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