PCK taking a break...

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New Member
Jan 17, 2002

Originally posted by quackaroo
ziploc, playing around with positive space and contrasting colour eh :)

Hmm... not really, I increased the contrast just to remove the details on the floor and surrounding to reduce distractions and to bring out more of the subject.

Originally posted by ziploc

Hmm... not really, I increased the contrast just to remove the details on the floor and surrounding to reduce distractions and to bring out more of the subject.

and by that u used positive space (white space) to bring your subject (stronger/contrasting colours)

tts how i would describe it. nevertheless, the tweaking was put to good use. ;)

Removing that distraction on the top left would make it more effective. Whether you consider that photographically ethical is another matter altogether. ;p


under darkroom circumstances. that would mean...
"Burning out" the image :)

is that considered photographically ethical ? :)

Originally posted by quackaroo
under darkroom circumstances. that would mean...
"Burning out" the image :)

is that considered photographically ethical ? :)

Or do you mean "dodge"? Burning in will produce a dark spot there. :p

You see, a photo is meant to capture a slice of time. Removing/adding elements changes that. Which is why I brought up the ethics issue. Whether done digitally or traditionally is no difference.

The regular burning in/dodging/levelling to equalize highlight and shadow levels are quite okay I presume, and is required to bring out the best of the photo.


Ya I noticed the distraction on the top left corner, but I don't want to alter the pic too much and that's why I left it there. Most of the time I would only sharpen slightly after resizing, and once a while adjust the levels if needed. In this case I found the details to be too much so I adjusted the contrast to reduce the distraction from the subject and to bring out the yellow boots.

actually.. hahah come to think of it
this picture is worth a second look of the "Details".
the distraction is welcomed.


dodging. argh. thanks ck. muz be the hour of my post.

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