Our Singaporean Pride

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New Member
Jul 3, 2009
Trying out a new UWA i just bought. HDRed the national library picture. Please comment on how to improve thanks.

Our National Library(or drama centre)

Tradition in the Green City

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both pics look nice. not too overdone. :)

I like the shot of the National Library, very good framing and the building and blue sky complement each other nicely.

BUT, if you look at the top left corner there seems to be a lot of chromatic aberration on the white scaffolding. Also if you could slightly improve the lighting of the dramacenter sign in the foreground? Otherwise this picture is perfect.

thanks for the kind comments. do you know how to remove or reduce teh chromatic aberration? thanks.

I love ur nat lib shot. Having been to that place thousand and one times didnt know it can look so good from another perspective.

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gd take on the national library

IMO, both photos got good composition. The #1 is a bit underexpose for the bottom part. Though this could be intentional, yet i feel since there is some wording, should let it see clearer.

National Library
If your intentions were to focus on the building, this don't work at all. For architectural works to be successful, your intended subject must remain the key element in the photo especially when you are working at this distance from the building. Surrounding context can be added included into the frame but they shouldn't be competing for attention as in this case. Because of the angle chosen and other distracting stuff, very little of the building is presented, not enough to consider this as a presentation of the architecture.

Even if your intentions were not on the building itself, this photo is still cluttered with too much(underexposed) details that yields little merit. Your photo showed a lot but is not saying much.

Techinicalities like attention to details and tilting verticals broke this photo. Things that are really bothersome are the little things that crept into the frame like the bits of building on the right and leaves from the left. Then there's the leaves concealing the top of the building. These minute details make or break photos like these and more time and care should be spent to avoid these from happening.

The tilting verticals and building being cropped off at the left are things that should be looked after as well. You don't have to photograph the building in its entirety to get a good photo. In instances where you can't make a good photo out of photographing the entire building, perhaps you should try to present it in a series of photos with each concentrating on the more interesting parts of the building. You have a building filled with great details which can provide better opportunities for much better photos than what you have done.

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thanks for the comments. pictures were merely taken like on the move without preperation or anything. the chijmes framing was pretty sloppy and careless as i didn't check it properly, was kinda in a hurry to go to the NLB to borrow books. and the NLB picture was supposed to show singapore's spanking new looking NLB structure but with the environment in mind. couldn't get the colours of the leaves just right though.

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