OK, who can do this?

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cant see lehz how come the buffering like take forever one? :confused:

* * * * * * * *
im speechless man.....
she is hot
****ing excellent man

My kids saw that and wanted fo follow but I stopped them and told them there is no future for this kind of things in good old Singapore.

seriously now... why mention about her future?
...she looks like she already has it made!

jbma said:
My kids saw that and wanted fo follow but I stopped them and told them there is no future for this kind of things in good old Singapore.

oh man.. loosen up.

jbma said:
My kids saw that and wanted fo follow but I stopped them and told them there is no future for this kind of things in good old Singapore.

old-fashioned old man...
...you need know just this:
"you know not the future, much less what it holds.
unlike a line on a ruler, life curves in ways untold."

jbma said:
My kids saw that and wanted fo follow but I stopped them and told them there is no future for this kind of things in good old Singapore.

Its only dancing. Did your kids say they want to make a living out of that?

I'm very impressed :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Any activity or hobby that can be done passionately is to be encouraged, as long as they are healthy activities... :)

This is excellent stuff.... I am totally impressed by her moves.

Wait till my wife see this. She will wish to have a daugther like this.

Good, very good.

thanks to zekai for sharing.

jbma said:
My kids saw that and wanted fo follow but I stopped them and told them there is no future for this kind of things in good old Singapore.

u just suppressed some form of unknown creativity and talent from ur kids
but as u put it, who needs that in "good old singapore"...

just what we need fer our future generations

:blah: :nono: :angry: :cry:

I feel that this is only the glamourous part.

Did anyone think of how much hard work and practices went into this?


narrow band? :think: im usign singnet ADSL 512 unlimited in the mornign when traffis ic supposed 2b low..lolzz anyway ok can guess that maybe its some spectacular dance stunt...haizz..gonna chaneg to starhub 3M soon =)

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