No Photography at Aviva Open 2006

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if they write it there. i suppose they are really strict on it. but just don't get caught shooting. hmmm can always try emailing their management to reconfirm everything :)

I can't remember if they put this term in last year.

I heard no photography last year too but when there, they jsut advise us not to use flash... Now confused.

flash is a very big nono is big big events where the flash could distract the competitors. try contacting them by number or by email and see what they say. should be alright if you use some tele lens and shoot by far or if you have press pass or something.

and btw whenever they say no photography, they are just lying. to like give them less work and trouble to worry about. haha. but just to be safe, confirm with them

Haha, at night safari, they also say no flash, but end up many jokers also use. :( So I think on the safe side, they just band photography all together!

Yeah, they said no photography last year as well. They even had signs all over the place and bag checks at the entrance. But there were still shots from the matches posted here...

Thanks for the feedback.


lightning said:
Haha, at night safari, they also say no flash, but end up many jokers also use. :( So I think on the safe side, they just band photography all together!

ya being to night safari , the guide requested no flash , so i deligently put mine away n try to shoot with a lower stop, but hor
i still see many people shoot off , its like blasting away many light years with all the flash coming on n off.

pity the poor animals really , 1 2 sleep still got people disturbing , sad for them

At Penguin Parade at Philip Island, they decided to ban photography cause the flash seems to be giving those little guys cataracts...actually if the animals at the night safari were sleeping, at least their eyes won't be subject to the flash but the night safari is supposed to highlight nocturnal animals...sorry for OT

photography should be fine...provided you don't use flash and don't bring out the big guns...bring a small cam, hide it in your pocket...who is to know...or camera phone :)

guys, sometimes its an issue of event organizers copyrights and them wanting to have exclusive control of the photos going out. Pls understand as they have put in a lot of cash to organize an event, so they should have final say. A lot of the posters last year had press passes too btw...


Photography without flash is allowed.

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