Newbie FAQ for A40?

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Hi, I just got my hands on a new A40. Hope someone here is kind enough to direct me to an faq which provides sufficient info on taking good pics with it. Thnx..

Originally posted by Bloodlust
Hi, I just got my hands on a new A40. Hope someone here is kind enough to direct me to an faq which provides sufficient info on taking good pics with it. Thnx..

Hmmm... AFAIK, there isn't any available FAQ. But a general FAQ in photography might help. ;) But seriously, go try out your A40, play around with the buttons.

Understand what is aperture and what is shutter and how the various settings affect your picture. From there, if you have any doubts, feel free to post here.

I'm pretty sure there will be someone willing to answer your queries. :)

Start shooting and posting! :)

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