Need help to ID this bug

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Senior Member
Sep 7, 2006
Thanks for the help.


I think its a longhorn beetle.

Where was this taken?

Thanks! This insect has very large eyes stretching to behind the antenna! Must shoot one of these one day.

Thanks! This insect has very large eyes stretching to behind the antenna! Must shoot one of these one day.

Yeap. I love the eyes. I found him around echo lake. Here's a 100% crop with no pp.

Too bad Raynox DCR250 don't work well with Tamron 90mm like it does with prosumer.

Yeap. I love the eyes. I found him around echo lake. Here's a 100% crop with no pp.

Too bad Raynox DCR250 don't work well with Tamron 90mm like it does with prosumer.

Hi longko,

Are you sure your last sentence is valid?

Please check this out! The 2nd and 3rd pictures were shot with the Tamron 90mm & DCR-250:


Jim, McGill.

hey i got one of this too! cool bug that doesnt move ard n it has beautiful eyes~ :)

took it with raynox dcr250 + prosumer.. hehz..

Hi longko,

Are you sure your last sentence is valid?

Please check this out! The 2nd and 3rd pictures were shot with the Tamron 90mm & DCR-250:


Jim, McGill.

As a consumer, I'm saying in my testing the DCR250 does not work well with Tamron like it does with Prosumer. If you focus 1:1 + DCR-250, the result is not as good as I get from prosumer like S9500 and FZ series. The shoots you mentioned doesn't look like being taken at 1:1. Looks like a 1:3 or even 1:5. Also there's quite a bit of PP being done. I'm a owner of DCR-250 which was bought off you, and I got great result with it on my prosumers (10x/12x). However, it doesn't works well on Tamron 90mm at 1:1.

As a consumer, I'm saying in my testing the DCR250 does not work well with Tamron like it does with Prosumer. If you focus 1:1 + DCR-250, the result is not as good as I get from prosumer like S9500 and FZ series. The shoots you mentioned doesn't look like being taken at 1:1. Looks like a 1:3 or even 1:5. Also there's quite a bit of PP being done. I'm a owner of DCR-250 which was bought off you, and I got great result with it on my prosumers (10x/12x). However, it doesn't works well on Tamron 90mm at 1:1.

Hi longko,

Thank you for your user feedback.

I can't comment on your views about the shoots as I'm not the shooter himself. :think:

So far we have not encountered such a situation with other Tamron 90mm users.

Cheers and more happy shooting from you!

Jim, McGill.

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