Multiple nicks...

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Maybe they like to talk to themself. :bsmilie:

Venom81 said:
Maybe they like to talk to themself. :bsmilie:

Would you nlike to identify who is Venom1, Venom2, Venom3, Venom4, Venom5, Venom6, Venom7, Venom8, Venom9, Venom10, Venom11, Venom12, Venom13, Venom14, Venom15, Venom16, Venom17, Venom18, Venom19, Venom20, Venom21, Venom22, Venom23 etc. etc. etc...............?

My real nick is W32.BuyBuyBuy.Z Sssshhh...

reno77 said:
1) They jumped from one brand to another and dont want to be labelled as a traitor.

2) They want to forever say "Sorry if my pics are bad, I'm a newbie".

I think it's pretty foolish to use the camera brand as nick. Imagine your call youself "Imdiehardnikonseow", and when you change to casio 1 day? Go figure....


A new nick is born...

ok ok........i admit........I had registered a new nick last week, as ah_seng.

eagle_creek refused to pay me any "promo" fees.... :bsmilie:

But I have a problem. Unable to activate my account to post.

Can the moderators pls help me?

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